not work
check if the power supply have
12V and 5V output
2.Verify if the DC/DC convertors
have the right output
3.Verify if the Mainchip(V59),
DDR, AudioAMP…solder well;
4.Verify if the FLASH(U202) has the
right software and work well;
5.Verify if the Y1(Crystal) has the
right frequency
Panel not work
check if the voltage input and
output of boost IC is working
2.Verify if the Mainboard
output the
right On/Off signal to power board;
3.Verify if the Mainboard
output the
LVDS singal
to panel T-con board
4.Verify if the software is the right
version of this model.
5.Change the LVDS wire to check
if it’s broken.
Power board not work
1.Verify if the power cord connect well?
2.check if the power supply if working
normally ; check if the power supply of
+5Vstandby is working normally;
check if the POWER ON/OFF
voltage is high pressure;
4.check if the power supply have
+12V/+5V output;
Check if Main board / LVDS wire /
Panel are in good condition ?