Last update: 2020-09-29 09:56
vedirect_lorawan https://www.victronenergy.com/live/vedirect_lorawan
Printed on 2020-09-30 06:30
Q6 Can the module be used to remotely update firmware of the BMV, MPPT, or Inverter?
Q7 Can the module be used to remotely change the configuration of the BMV, MPPT or
Q8 Can the module be used to remotely perform any other action?
Q9 Is a GX Device like a Color Control GX or Venus GX required?
No, a GX device is not required, the data from the VE.Direct device will be sent straight to the VRM
Portal from the dongle via the LoRaWan network.
Q10 The Peak Power Pack has a VE.Direct port, will the device work with that?
Q11 I connected the module to a BMV, and then later connected it to an MPPT - but I can't
see the new data …why not?
Make sure you power-cycle the LoRaWAN module by switching it off whilst connecting it to a different
VE Direct device. Or wait for a minimum of 24 hours.
Q12 Can I connect my VE.Direct device to a LoRaWan dongle and a GX device (eg Cerbo
GX) at the same time?
It is not possible to connect a VE.Direct devices with a single communications port (eg MPPT or BMV)
to a GX device and the LoRaWan dongle at the same time.
Q13 Can the unit be used with another network than TTN?
Quite regularly we get requests to be able to use another network, ie. another one than TTN. Because
TTN is not popular in a certain area, or because there already is another strong network, like TTI (The
Things Industries), and so forth. Unfortunately that is not possible. To support another network, two
things need doing:
Change the parameters in the VE.Direct LoRaWAN module - which is currently not possible as
there is no user interface nor communications port and or protocol to change its settings.
Connect our VRM back-end to the other network. For which there is no standard API, and
therefore requires Victron development resources.
The -unfortunate- conclusion is that the VE.Direct LoRaWAN module can only be used with the TTN
network, and that we cannot help with with or support other networks. End of 2020 we'll launch
another product, which uses the cellular LTE-M networks, and is a good alternative.