Last update: 2020-09-29 09:56
vedirect_lorawan https://www.victronenergy.com/live/vedirect_lorawan
Printed on 2020-09-30 06:30
Blinking yellow
You're connected to LoRaWAN, but not to the VE.Direct device: Check the cable &
power to the VE.Direct device.
Continuous red Error. The module will automatically reboot within ten seconds.
Current draw
15 mA @ 12V
8,5 mA @ 24V
5,5 mA @ 48V
Trouble shooting the connection
Step 1: Power: Verify that there is proper power supply connected, by checking the LED. It will
always blink in some colour.
Step 2: LoRaWAN connection Verify that the LED is blinking either green or yellow. After powerup,
the LED will first blink blue. Which indicates that it is establishing communication with the LoRaWAN
gateway and the TTN Network. Once connected to both, it will start blinking green (when there is a
VE.Direct device) or yellow (when there is no VE.Direct device). In case it keeps blinking blue, check
that the LoRaWAN gateway is in range, and check that the region and frequencies of the Gateway and
the module match. See above for details.
Step 3: VE.Direct Make sure the LED is blinking green. In case its blinking yellow, check the cable to
the VE.Direct device, and power to the VE.Direct device.
Step 4: VRM Portal Connectivity Login to VRM, and add the module by going through the “Add
installation” wizard.
Note that adding the installation on VRM can only be done when the result of the previous steps is OK:
the LoRaWAN connections needs be ok and the VE.Direct cable needs to be connected to a product &
communication properly. In short, the LED needs to blink green. If there is no VE.Direct data, the
module will not send any data to VRM; and then will not be possible to register the installation on
Step 5: Check LoRaWAN signal strength On VRM, go to the Device list entry and unfold the Gateway
entry. In the list you will find the RSSI and SNR parameters, whom together indicate the quality of the
wireless connection.