FLATBASS™ 13 SPK Bass speaker cable
There are many powerful bass amplifiers on today’s market – the ever increasing power is putting huge strains on speaker wire
– VIBE present a new breed of speaker cable specially developed for BASS applications – the VIBE FLATBASS speaker cable
offers SolidCores™ that can handle and sustain considerably more power than conventional speaker cable.
Model: FlatBass 13 SPK – 13 gauge SolidCore™ flat BASS speaker cable
VIBE 140 amp circuit breaker
Big systems require big protection – The VIBE circuit breaker is rated at a massive 140 amps and offers critical protection to
your system – if the system over powers or short circuits the breaker will cut in and save your equipment. No need to replace
expensive fuses, system is reset via a simple switch – also offers safe and instant system shutdown.
Model: CB140 – 140 amp circuit breaker
FLAT Y 2M / FLAT Y 2F RCA Y leads
Our professional quality full range OFC Y-interconnect guarantees a pure and strong signal. With a flat
design and ferrite loaded gold plated plugs interference is greatly reduced. The FLAT-Y Interconnect is
available in 1 male – 2 female FLAT Y 2F and 2 male – 1 female FLAT Y 2M configurations.
Model: FLAT Y 2f – 1 pair RCA Y lead 1male to 2 female
Model: FLAT Y 2m – 1 pair RCA Y lead 2male to 1female
VIBE SD4/5 subwoofer defender grill
The new VIBE subwoofer defender not only provides protection for your sub but also adds style with its metallic
badge and black rubberised steel construction allow it to integrate perfectly with the VIBE EVO enclosures
Model: SD4 – sub grill fits both 10” and 12” subwoofers
Model: SD5 – sub grill fits 15” subwoofers
VIBE BC10 level controller
The VIBE BC10 gain level controller is a perfect addition to any subwoofer system, the BC10 allows the level of the amplifier to be
controlled from the driver’s seat giving the user easy adjustment of gain level. Particularly useful for adjusting the gain level for
amplifiers controlling subwoofers. The BC10 controller is RCA input and output making it compatible with any system allowing gain
level adjustment of any amplifier it is connected to. It can also be used with full range amplifiers.
Model: BC10 – RCA Gain level control
Slick level remote
A new addition to the Slick range of amplifiers is the Slick level control which allows level adjustment of the amplifier from the front of
the car - Simply plug the supplied cable into the Slick remote level port on the end panel of the amplifier and remote gain control is
yours, it is that easy.
Model: SLR1 – optional remote for use with all Slick amplifiers
VIBE PortPlug
The VIBE PortPlug allows easy tuning of the VIBE CBR bass enclosures. The PortPlug™ is used to tightly
seal the VIBE TurboPort™ in the enclosure to either create a sealed enclosure for better transient
response or in the case of a multi ported enclosure re-tune the enclosure using only 1 PortPlug™
Model: PP25 – PortPlug™ for 2.5” TurboPort™
Model: PP30 - PortPlug™ for 3” TurboPort™
VIBE official Merchandise
MPS – VIBE polo shirt with embroidered VIBE logo on front and rear
MTS – VIBE T-shirt with small VIBE printed logo on front.
MCD – VIBE CD, containing exclusive VIBE bass tracks as featured on the Bass Tunnel and VIBE Dredd.
MCC – VIBE CD case, metallic silver CD case with VIBE logo.
VFL – VIBE fleece with embroidered logo on the front and large on back.
VTD – VIBE tax disc holder, stylish silver tax disc holder featuring VIBE logo.
VIBE GB41 banana plug
The VIBE GB41 banana plugs are the easy and convenient way to quickly remove your bass enclosure without
having to constantly re-thread your speaker cable into the box terminal, simply attach the speaker cable to the
VIBE GB41 banana plug and you have a reliable quick release solution. Designed for optimum use with the TP-2
and QP-4 terminal, our professional gold plated 4mm banana plugs are polarity marked and feature rubber
Model: GB41 – Gold Banana plug
VIBE FD4 fused distribution block
The VIBE FD4 fused distribution block is a professional AGU fused distribution block which gives easy
connection for up to 4 amplifiers. The VIBE FD4 has 1 x 4AWG input and 4 x 8AWG outputs each
individually fused up to a maximum of 80 amps (AGU fuses available separately)
Model: FD4 – 4 way AGU fused distribution block, 1 x 4 gauge input 4 x 8 gauge outputs
VIBE RT4 / RT8 crimp on ring terminal
The professional range of VIBE RT gold plated ring terminals for connecting power cable to the vehicle
battery. Packed in pairs and include red and black rubber over boots with are easy crimp design.
Model: RT8 – 1 pair of 8 gauge crimp on ring terminals with PVC overboots
Model: RT4 – 1 pair of 4 gauge crimp on ring terminals with PVC overboots
VIBE CT0 / CT4 compression fit ring terminal
The VIBE CT range of gold plated ring terminals are professional compression fit designed for maximum
conductivity when connecting power cable to the vehicle battery. The VIBE RT compression fit terminals are
the best way to connect heavy gauge power cable to the vehicles battery.
Model: CT0 – 0 gauge compression fit ring terminal
Model: CT4 – 4 gauge compression fit ring terminal
VIBE DB6 non fused distribution block
The VIBE DB6 non fused distribution block is a professional non fused distribution block which gives easy
connection for up to 5 amplifiers. The VIBE DB6 has 2 x 4AWG input and 4 x 8AWG outputs which can be
used for power distribution or ground distribution giving a common grounding point for all system
components eliminating the risk of ground loop interference.
Model: DB6 non fused distribution block
VIBE AGU30, AGU60, AGU80 fuses
The VIBE AGU fuse series are the perfect companion to the VIBE FD4 fused distribution block and the Active
and stereo system wiring kits.
Model: AGU30 – 1 pair 30 amp AGU fuses to fit all AGU fuse holders
Model: AGU60 – 1 pair 60 amp AGU fuses to fit all AGU fuse holders
Model: AGU80 – 1 pair 80 AGU fuses to fit all AGU fuse holders
All Accessories are available direct, for next day delivery call 0870 765 8423 or vist www.vibeshop.co.uk (UK ONLY)
For more product info see www.vibeaudio.co.uk
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