Chapter 2
Getting Started
Verifying the local time zone
T-BERD/MTS 5800 Timing Expansion Module User Manual
July 2017
22112315, Rev. 004
Page 13
For power specifications, see the
Getting Started Guide
that shipped with your instru-
Turning on the instrument
To power the instrument
Press the
The On LED, located on the front panel, illuminates green when the unit is powered,
and the instrument beeps.
Checking the battery
You can check the status of the battery in two ways:
Method 1 —
The battery status indicator in the upper right corner of the screen
provides a graphic indication of the approximate battery charge.
Method 2 —
The Battery Level percentage on the Battery status page.
Select the
Power Management
The battery status appears.
View the
Battery Level
The Battery Status page indicates the charge level (both in percentage under the
battery and the color of the battery), whether the adapter is plugged in, and indicates
the battery temperature range.
Verifying the local time zone
Before using the TEM Module as a timing reference, to ensure that the local time is
correct, you must verify that the connected 5800v2 is configured to use the correct time
zone for the region, country, and area. If daylight savings time is active for your time
zone, you should also select the corresponding setting.
If your instrument does not have sufficient power to turn on the Rubidium
Oscillator, a message will state so in the message bar that is located directly
above the LED Panel.