a division of V
IASYS Healthca
5225 Verona Rd., B
ldg. 2
Madison, WI 5
1-800-525-2519 U
Federal law restricts this
device to use by or on the order of a
No part of this equipment
may be connected to a telephone system.
Replace batteries with VIASYS approved types only.
6. To replace the battery, firmly push down on the battery door and slide the door off.
Remove the existing battery. To replace with a new battery, align the battery as
indicated on the battery door and in the diagram. Replace the battery door by sliding
and snapping it in place.
7. To recharge the battery (
100R & 200R), turn the unit off by pressing the “On/
Off” button. Plug a VIASYS authorized recharger into the recharger jack. Verify that
LED lights up.
Let the unit recharge for a minimum of 14 hours to fully charge the battery.
Obstetrical Exams
Doppler ultrasound in an obstetrical application is used primarily to reassure the mother
of the presence of fetal viability. In some patients the fetal heart can be heard as early as
8 to 12 weeks. It should be audible 95% of the time in 12-week pregnancies and nearly
100% after 14 weeks.
The 3 MHz probe is designed to be used early in pregnancy. The 2 MHz waterproof probe
is for use later in pregnancy in larger patients, or for use in water labors and/or deliveries.
The exam is most easily done with the patient supine, although it may also be accomplished
in a sitting or standing position. Expose the abdomen and apply a generous amount of
coupling gel to the face of the probe. It is important to maintain good coupling at all times
with no air bubbles between the probe and the abdomen.