10. Instructions for product liquidation after its operating life
VIADRUS a.s., is contractual partner of firm EKO – KOM a.s. with client number F00120649.
The packages comply with EN 13427.
With respect to the fact that the product is designed out of common materials the individual parts are
recommended to be liquidated in the following manner:
exchanger (grey cast iron), by a company engaged in salvage and liquidation of waste
tube distributions, jacketing, by a company engaged in salvage and liquidation of waste
other metal parts, by a company engaged in salvage and liquidation of waste
ROTAFLEX sealing materials in common waste
We recommend to dispose the packages in the following way:
plastic foil, cardboard cover, use a salvage point
metal strapping tape, use a salvage point
wooden base, is designated for a single usage and no longer can be used as a product. Its disposal is
subject to Act. 477/ 2001 Sb. a 185/2001 Coll. as amended.
In case that the product has lost its manufacture qualities there can be taken the advantage of
product taking back (if this is established), in case that the originator has declared that this is a
waste and it must be handled according to the valid legislation of the relevant country.
11. Warranty and defect liability
VIADRUS a.s. grants a warranty:
For boilers 24 months after the boiler putting into operation, but maximum 30 months after the date it was
dispatched from the manufacturing factory.
For boiler drum 5 years after the date its dispatch from the manufacturing factory.
The user is obliged to leave the boiler installation to an assembly company, putting into operation and defect
removing only to a professional contractual service accredited by the boiler producer VIADRUS a.s. otherwise
the warranty for proper boiler operation is not valid.
If the boiler is operated according to the instructions mentioned in the “Instructions for the boiler operation
and installation”, the boiler does not require any special professional service interventions.
“Certification of the quality and completeness of the VIADRUS HERCULES U 22 BASIC boiler” serves for
filling in by a contractual service organization as the ”Warranty card”.
For an eventual jacket reclamation is the customer obliged to submit a packing label of the boiler jacket. It is
placed on the cardboard in which the jacket is expedited.
The user is obliged to perform a regular control of the boiler – see chapter 9.
Failing to keep the mentioned instructions the warrants provided by the producer are not granted.
Each notice of defect must be made immediately after its finding always in written form and by a
phone agreement.
The grant does not apply for:
Faults caused by improper assembly and improper attendance of the product and faults caused
by improper maintenance see chap. 9
Faults and damage caused by failure to observe water quality in heating system see chap. no. 4.1
and 5.3 or by using the anti-freeze mixture
Faults caused by failure to observe instructions stated in this manual
Defects caused by a wrong assembly or incorrect operation of the product
Damage of the product during transfer or other mechanical damage
Defects caused by improper storage
The producer grants the right for changes performed within the frame of product innovation that may
not be included in this instruction.