Maintenance and Repair
Before each use of the Body Up Evolution the lifting straps (7) should be checked for damage to material.
Damaged straps must be replaced by your local dealer.
Failure to follow recommendations and safety notes in this user guide will exclude the manufacturer from
any liability of arising damage to persons, property or animals.
Instruction for Strap attachment to rollers on frame arms
. The strap has been folded on itself and sewn to create a loop for the cotter pin to pass through, to enable
fixing to the drum on the arm of the
Body UP Evolution.
. This shows the split pin used to fasten the strap to the
Body UP Evolution.
. The drum into which the cotter pin and loop for the strap are secured. Note the two holes drilled on the frame
of the drum where the cotter pin will be mounted.
. Insert the cotter pin into the hole on one side of the drum frame to mount the cotter pin. Then insert the cot-
ter pin into the loop in the strap so that it can be inserted in to the second hole in the drum frame. Note: Ensure
that the sewn edge of the loop is facing the drum.
5, 6
. With the cotter pin fully inserted into the second hole in the drum frame and protruding past the hole, in-
sert a screwdriver to split the ends of the cotter pins. This will ensure that the cotter pin and the strap are secure
within the drum frame.
. Further secure the cotter pin, by using common pliers
. Pin has been threaded through the frame and strap loop and cotter pin end split
The strap end is securely mounted onto the drum frame and can now be wound onto the frame either by
clockwise or anti-clockwise revolution of the handle at the front.
Repeat this process for all four straps attached to the Body UP frame.
Make sure to wind both right and left Body UP handles in the same direction to wind the straps onto their
respective drums.