Changing the gearbox oil (ZF-Hurth)
Every 400 operating hours.
6 Maintenance
28 Draining the oil
29 Changing the oil filter
Drain the oil with the aid of a separate sump
• Remove the dipstick.
• Insert the suction hose of the sump pump
in the dipstick hole. Push down the pump
handle quickly and pull it up slowly.
• Remove the sump pump when all the old
oil has been pumped out.
Or, if sufficient space below the gearbox is
available, oil can be drained by removing the
drain plug.
• Remove the fillercap to vent the gearbox
and check if all oil has been drained
• Collect the oil in a dripping pan.
• The filter element must be replaced at the
same time as the oil.
• Turn the screw that holds on the filter cover
to the left and remove the filter from its
housing. Use an Allen key for this.