Battery charger BC12051
When the charger is being used, it will show LED lights as follows:
Green and red LED
light both off:
NO AC Power
There is no AC power applied.
Green light flash-
ing only:
Standby for
charging bat-
The clamps are not properly connected to the bat-
The battery voltage is below 1 volt.
The battery is fully discharged.
Green light on &
red light flashing:
Charging battery The charger is charging the battery.
Red light on only:
Defective battery
or deeply dis-
charged battery
Please make sure again the battery posts and clamps
are all clean.
If the red light continues:
Check if the battery is 12V battery or not.
If yes, the battery does not hold a charge. It
should be replaced immediately.
Or it needs more time to charge deeply dis-
charged battery.
If the red light still lightens after 20 hours charging,
please replace the battery.
Green light & red
light both on :
75% Charged
The battery is at least 75% charged and is ready to
load test or can be returned to serve. Continued
charging will get the battery to be fully charged.
Some batteries will pass and accept a charge, but will
not be able to pass a load test. All batteries should be
load tested after charging.
Green light on
only :
Battery is fully
charged and is
under maintain-
It will automatically adjust the voltage/current
relationship to maintain the battery at a full charge.
The battery is ready for a load test or return to serve.
If the battery voltage drops below 12.8 volts, the
charger shifts automatically into charging mode and
recharges to an OCV of 14.8 volt.