VESTEL 42PF7020 Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 69


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Environmental Information 

• This television is designed to consume less 

energy to save environment. 

You not only help to save the environment but 

also you can save money by reducing electricity 

bills thanks to the energy efficiency feauture of 

this TV. To  reduce  energy  consumption,  you 

should take the following steps:

• You can use Power Save Mode setting, located 

in the Feature menu. If you set Power Save 

Mode  as  On,  the TV  will  switch  to  energy-

saving mode and luminance level of TV set 

will be decreased to optimum level. Note that 

some  picture  settings  will  be  unavailable  to 

be changed when the TV is in Power Save 


• When the TV is not in use, please switch off or 

disconnect the TV from the mains plug. This 

will also reduce energy consumption. 

• Disconnect power when going away for longer 


• Note that annually, using the TV set in Power 

Save Mode has more power efficiency than 

disconnecting  the  TV  from  the  mains  plug 

instead of keeping stand-by mode. Therefore it 

is highly recommended to activate Power Save 

Mode  setting  to  reduce  your  annual  power 

consumption.And also it is recommended to 

disconnect the TV from the mains plug to save 

energy more when you do not use.

•  Please  helps  us  to  save  environment  by 

following these steps.

Repair Information

Please refer all servicing to qualified personnel. 

Only  qualified  personnel  must  repair  the TV. 

Please contact your local dealer, where you have 

purchased this TV for further information.

Licence Notification (optional)

 is a trademark of SRS Labs, 

Inc. TruSurround  technology  is  incorporated 

under license from SRS Labs, Inc.

Summary of Contents for 42PF7020

Page 1: m mr cihaz n fonksiyonlar n yerine getirebilmesi i in gerekli yedek par a bulundurma s resi 10 y ld r DANI MAMERKEZi 444 4 123 www vestel com tr Vestel Dayan kl T ketim Mallar Pazarlama A Zorlu Pla...


Page 3: ...aktan Kumandayla letim 21 Ses Ayar 21 Program Se imi nceki veya Sonraki Prog ram 21 Program Se imi Do rudan Eri im 21 lk Ayarlar 22 Genel letim 23 nemli 23 Bilgi eridi 23 Zaman De i imi 23 H zl Kay t...

Page 4: ...PC Tam Modu opsiyonel 45 Tam Modu 45 Ext k 45 Kurulum Men s 45 Program 45 Bant 45 Kanal 45 Renk Sistemi 45 Ses Sistemi 45 nce Ayar 45 Arama 46 Kaydet 46 AV Konumlar ndaki Kurulum men s 46 Kaydet 46 P...

Page 5: ...lakl k ba lant s Otomatik Programlama Sistemi Man el ileri ve geri arama Otomatik kapanma sleep timer ocuk kilidi Child lock Yay n olmad nda otomatik ses kesme NTSC oynatma PIP PAP PAT i levleri AVL O...

Page 6: ...l personel taraf ndan yap lmal d r Nem ve Su Bu cihaz nemli ve slak y e r l e r d e k u l l a n m a y n z banyoda mutfak lavabosu ve bula k makinesi yak nlar nda kullanmaktan ka n n z Tehlike yaratabi...

Page 7: ...lektrik kablosu TV setinin elektrik ebekesi ile olan ba lant s n n kesilmesi i in kullan l r dolay s ile h lihaz rda i leyebilir kalacakt r Kulakl k Sesi Kulakl klardan gelen a r ses bas nc duyma kayb...

Page 8: ...lan lamaz Televizyon kullan lmad nda l tfen kapat n ya da elektrik fi ini ekin Bu da enerji t ketimini azaltacakt r Uzun s re boyunca televizyondan uzak olacaksan z televizyonun elektrik ba lant s n k...

Page 9: ...nceki Program 28 Mavi Kurulum men s Favori modu DTV 29 modunda Sar zellik Ge erli Dil DTV modunda 30 PIP PAP modu 31 Altyaz a k kapal DTV modunda TXT 32 Altyaz lev yok 33 leri Git PVR DTV modunda 34...

Page 10: ...LCD TV ve al ma Tu lar NDEN G R N M ARKADAN G R N M YANDAN G R N M Bekleme tu u 1 TV AV tu u 2 Program Yukar A a 3 tu lar Ses Art rma Azaltma 4 tu lar Not Ana men y g r nt lemek i in tu lar na ayn and...

Page 11: ve harici ayg t n zdaki ifre z c VCR veya DVD alar SCART yuvas na ba lay n z Not SCART soketleri arac l yla harici bir ayg t ba lanm ise TV otomatik olarak AV moduna ge er Her iki yuva da ayn zaman...

Page 12: ...uygun bir anten kablosu ile a a daki sayfalarda bulunan izimde g sterildi i gibi televizyona ba laman z gerekti ini unutmay n z 10 PC Giri i ki isel bir bilgisayar TV setine ba lamak i indir PC kablos...

Page 13: ...4 kullan l r TV yi kulakl klardan dinlemek i in KULAKLIK yuvas na ba lay n z opsiyonel Video Giri i harici cihazlar n video sinyallerini ba lamak 5 i in kullan l r Video kablosunu TV zerinde bulunan V...

Page 14: ...m t r Kutuyu a t ktan sonra elektrik ebekesine ba lamadan nce TV nin oda s cakl na kadar kmas n bekleyiniz G kablosunu ana soket k na tak n z Anten Ba lant s Antenin fi ini veya kablosunu TV nin arka...

Page 15: ...rik formatlamas n soracakt r Disk format hakk nda daha fazla bilgi i in Disk Format b l m ne bak n z Bu zelli i etkinle tirirseniz USB diskinizde saklanan b t n verileri kaybedece inizi ve disk format...

Page 16: ...ra yedekleyebilir kopyalayabilirsiniz Not TS format nda kaydedilen yay nlar n ortam oynatma yaz l m n z taraf ndan desteklenmemesi olas d r Bu durumda bilgisayar n za uygun bir ortam oynatma yaz l m k...

Page 17: ...irsiniz Ba lant y yapmak i in bir HDMI kablosu kullan n z HDMI C HAZI YANDAN G R N M LCD TV yi PC ye Ba lama Bilgisayar n z n ekran g r nt s n LCD TV nizde g stermek i in bilgisayar n z TV setinize ba...

Page 18: ...yna na ge iniz Giri se imi b l m ne bak n z DVD alarlar n o u B LE EN SOKETLER arac l ile ba lan r Video giri ini ba lamak i in bile en video kablosu kullan n z Sesi etkinle tirmek i in a a da g steri...

Page 19: ...unutmay n z Kamera video kaydedicisini ba lamak i in VIDEO G R soketine ve SES SOKETLER ine ba lay n z Kamera video kaydedicisini V DEO G R NE ayn anda ba lamay n z nk bu g r nt de parazite neden ola...

Page 20: ...leri ba lamak i in bir ses kablosu kullan n z SOL ve SA SES AUDIO LEFT RIGHT yuvalar n n yerlerini de i tirmeyiniz B t n ba lant lar yap ld ktan sonra LCD TV nizi ve harici hoparl r n z a n z Daha faz...

Page 21: ...k bir DVD kaydedici VCR veya dekoderi LCD TV nize ba layabilirsiniz Resimde g sterilen kablolar n tedarik edilmedi ini unutmay n z Herhangi bir ba lant yapmadan nce hem TV hem de cihazlar kapat n z Da...

Page 22: ...k 7m 23ft dir TV yi A ma Kapama TV yi A mak i in G kablosunu 220 240V AC 50 Hz e ba lay n z STANDBY bekleme tu una bas n z Bekleme LED i yanacakt r Bekleme konumundan k p TV yi a abilmek i in a a daki...

Page 23: ...a men de P CH veya P CH tu lar n kullanarak alt men y se iniz ve veya tu lar n kullanarak alt men ye giriniz Men lerin kullan m n renmek i in men Sistemi b l mlerine bak n z AV Konumu AV modlar aras n...

Page 24: ...z L tfen uzaktan kumanda zerinde OK tu una bas n z a a daki mesaj ekranda g r necektir Kurulum s recini ba latmak i in Yes Evet i iptal etmek i in No Hay r se iniz Evet Yes veya Hay r No se eneklerin...

Page 25: ...r nt lenir Zaman De i imi NEML Bir program kaydetmek i in TV nize kapal durumdayken bir USB diski ba lamal s n z Sonra kay t zelli ini etkinle tirmek i in TV nizi a mal s n z Aksi takdirde kay t zelli...

Page 26: ta madan oynat m Oynatma noktas belirler Not Oynat m s ras nda ana men ve men eleri g r nt lemesi uygun olmaz Oynat m durdurmak i in STOP tu una bas n z ve kay t k t phanesine d n n z Yava ileri oy...

Page 27: ...Se imi EPG men de bu se ene i kullanarak se ilen kanal a abilirsiniz Kay t Kay t Zamanlay c y Sil NEML Bir program kaydetmek i in TV nize kapal durumdayken bir USB diski ba lamal s n z Sonra kay t zel...

Page 28: ...eletekst yay n yapan bir kanal izlerkenki izleme oran resim ekli daha nceki g r nt deki izleme oran ile ayn d r TELETEXT tu una yeniden bast n zda dijital teletekst ekran g r nt lenir Analog Teletekst...

Page 29: n z OK esinin yan nda uzaktan kumanda zerindeki rakam tu lar n kullanarak bir say girmenizi ve onaylamak i in OK e basman z belirten a a daki OSD g sterilir Not Ta mak istedi iniz kanal nki ile ayn...

Page 30: ...ion Menu de i tirilebilir Kilitlenecek kanal se ili hale getiriniz ve veya tu unu kullanarak Kilitle Lock se ene ini se iniz OK tu una bas ld nda ifre isteyen bir dialog OSD si g sterilir ifreyi uzakt...

Page 31: ...USB diskine zerine kaydetmek i in ayarlayabilir veya g r nt leyebilirsiniz Ana men y g r nt lemek i in MENU tu una bas n z ve Ko ullu Eri im sat r n belirgin hale getirmek i in veya tu lar n kullan n...

Page 32: ...i in ana men den eyi etkinle tiriniz Bir zamanlay c eklemek i in uzaktan kumanda zerinden SARI tu a bas n z Zamanlay c Ekle Add Timer penceresi g r nt lenir Kanal veya tu lar kullan c n n TV veya Rad...

Page 33: ...e tamamen tak lmas imk ns zd r E er CAM zorla tak lacak olursa CAM veya TV u birimi hasar g rebilir TV nin fi ini prize tak n z TV yi a n z ard ndan kart etkinle tirilinceye dek birka dakika bekleyini...

Page 34: ...ancak bu durumda USB diskinde saklanan b t n veriler kaybolacakt r Disk Format se ene ini i aretlerken OK tu una bas n z Ekran zerinde bir pin numaras girmenizi isteyen bir men belirecektir Pin numar...

Page 35: ...n arama i lemi ifreli kanallar da tespit edecektir Man el olarak KAPALI OFF ayar na getirilirse ifreli kanallar otomatik ya da man el tarama esnas nda tespit edilemeyecektir ifreli Tarama ayar n se eb...

Page 36: ...c kanal ekleyemez De i iklikler Yap land rma Men s nden k ld ktan sonra g ncellenir PIN ayarla Set PIN PIN ayarla se ene ine gitmek i in veya tu unu kullan n z PIN Numaras n nAyarlanmas Set PIN pence...

Page 37: ...odunda Arama Standby Search zelli inin A k On olarak se ildi inden emin olunuz Dil Kurulum men s nde veya tu unu kullanarak Dil esini se iniz ve OK tu una bas n z Bu men de kullan c tercih edilen dili...

Page 38: ...iniz Bu men a a daki maddeleri i erir Otomatik kanal tarama El ile Kanal Tarama Servis listesini silme Clear Service List lk Kurulum First Time Installation Danimarka sve Norve veya Finlandiya i in O...

Page 39: Kurulum First Time Installation men maddesini belirgin hale getirip OK tu una bast n zda ayarlar silmek isteyip istemedi iniz sorulur Evet Yes sekmesi belirgin hale getirilmi ken OK tu una basarak...

Page 40: ...nda a a daki ekran g r nt lenir veya tu una basarak EVET YES i se iniz ve OK tu una bas n z Ortam taray c s g r nt lenir Bir USB belle inden m zik resim ve video dosyalar n oynatabilirsiniz Not Analo...

Page 41: ...e simge vurgulu simge haline gelir E er slayt g sterisi s ras nda kar t r modu etkinse sonraki resimler rastlant sal olarak se ilecektir E er yenile fonksiyonu etkin de ilse slayt g sterisi sona geldi...

Page 42: ...iniz veya tu una basarak a a daki se eneklerden birisini se iniz Pixellence Sinema Dinamik ve Do al Pixellence opsiyonel PIXELLENCE modunu se erek televizyonun g r nt ayarlar n optimize edebilir ve da...

Page 43: bir ekilde g rmek istedi iniz filmleri izlerken a n z Oyun Konumu opsiyonel veya tu una basarak Oyun Konumunu Se iniz Oyun Konumunu Game Mode A k On veya Kapal Off olarak ayarlamak i in veya tu lar...

Page 44: azaltmak i in tu una bas n z Kulakl k ses seviyesi 0 ve 63 aras nda ayarlanabilir Kulakl k Sesi opsiyonel veya tu una basarak Kulakl k Sesi Headphone Sound ayar n se iniz veya tu unu kullanarakAna...

Page 45: edebilmek i in bu zellik sayesinde televizyonun g r nt ayarlar hareketli g r nt lerde en m kemmele eri tirilecektir Movie Sense se ene i D k Orta veya Y ksek olarak ayarlanm ise demo se ene i mevcu...

Page 46: ...ik olarak bekleme konumuna ge er ocuk Kilidi veya tu uyla ocuk Kilidi se iniz ocuk Kilidini Child Lock A k On veya Kapal Off olarak ayarlamak i in veya tu unu kullan n z A k On se ildi inde TV niz yal...

Page 47: 1080i 1080P z n rl nde ayarlarsan z Tam mod esi g r nmez olacakt r Tam modu 1 1 veya Normal olarak veya tu lar n kullanarak ayarlayabilirsiniz E er 1 1 i se erseniz ekran oran do ru olarak ayarlana...

Page 48: ...Program Tablosu veya tu una basarak Program Tablosunu Program Table se iniz mleci d rt y ne hareket ettirerek ayn sayfada 20 programa ula abilirsiniz TV Konumunda AV Konumlar d nda t m programlar g r...

Page 49: ...a g r n r APS sonu lanana kadar beklerseniz Program tablosu bulunan ve yerle tirilen programlarla birlikte g r nt lenir Kaynak Men s Alt nc simgeyi se mek i in veya tu una bas n z Ard ndan veya OK tu...

Page 50: ...veya tu lar n kullanarak V Position Dikey Konum se iniz veya tu uyla de eri ayarlay n z Faz TV setine girdi iniz z n rl e ve tarama s kl na ba l olarak ekranda bulan k veya g r lt l bir g r nt g rebi...

Page 51: ...irmek i in PIP tu una bas n z PAP Konumunda ekranda e it boyutta iki resim g r nt lenir Pencerelerin geni lik oran sabittir PAP moduna ge ti inizde PIP modundaki Ana pencere ekran n sa taraf nda g r n...

Page 52: ...ayd rabilirsiniz Teletekst Teletekst sistemi TV nize haber spor ve hava durumu gibi bilgileri g nderir K t hava ko ullar nda sinyal zay flayabilir baz metin hatalar olu abilir ya da teletekst modu boz...

Page 53: na veya neon klar na vs yak n m yerle tirilmi Da lar ve y ksek binalar ift g r nt lere veya hayalet resimlere neden olabilir Bazen anten y n n de i tirerek g r nt kalitesini artt rabilirsiniz G r n...

Page 54: ...7 9 VESA 16 9 4 3 11 800 600 70 43 8 16 9 4 3 12 800 600 72 48 1 VESA 16 9 4 3 13 800 600 75 46 9 VESA 16 9 4 3 14 800 600 85 53 7 VESA 16 9 4 3 15 832 624 75 49 7 MAC 16 9 4 3 16 1024 768 43 35 5 VES...

Page 55: ...P 50Hz O 720P 60Hz O 1080I 50Hz O 1080I 60Hz O 1080P 50Hz O 1080P 60Hz O HDMI1 HDMI2 HDMI3 HDMI4 480I 60Hz O 480P 60Hz O 576I 50Hz O 576P 50Hz O 720P 50Hz O 720P 60Hz O 1080I 50Hz O 1080I 60Hz O 1080P...

Page 56: ...eklenen DVI z l mleri Cihazlar DVI ba lay c kablolar tedarik edilmemi tir ile TV nizin konekt r ne ba lad n zda a a daki z l m bilgilerine ba vurabilirsiniz 24Hz 25Hz 30Hz 50Hz 60Hz 480i 480p 576i 576...

Page 57: ...ND KALKAN ER EVE 11 RGB G G R HDMI konekt r pin teknik zellikleri Pin Giri Sinyali Pin Giri Sinyali 1 TMDS Veri2 11 TMDS Saat Kalkan 2 TMDS Veri2 Kalkan 12 TMDS Saati 3 TMDS Veri 2 13 CEC 4 TMDS Veri...

Page 58: ...sinyali olmas durumunda se imin m mk n olaca n g sterir K s tlamalar Scart 1 kayna n n TV Scart 2 FAV kaynaklar ile PIP PAP sergilemesi i in RGB sinyali olmal d r Bu kaynaklar n ana pencereye ayarlan...

Page 59: ...MPEG 1 2 Layer 1 2 3 MP3 rnek De er 8K 48KHz Bit Oran 64K 320Kbps Foto raf jpg Temel JPEG GxY 8902 x 8902 179 Megapiksele kadar Desteklenen formatlar 444 440 422 420 Gri l ek leri JPEG 4 Megapiksele...

Page 60: ...letim standartlar DVB T MPEG 2 Ayar n bozma 2K 8K FFT modu ile COFDMFEC FEC B t n DVB modlar i in Video MP ML PAL 4 3 16 9 Ses MPEG z c s I II 32 44 148kHz NCEDEN AYARLANAB LEN KANAL SAYISI 200 KANAL...

Page 61: ...s recinde de kar la labilinir Alt piksel hatalar 2 ana e ittir Tip 1 S rekli yanan alt piksel k rm z ye il veya mavi olabilir Tip 2 S rekli s n k alt piksel siyah bir ekilde g r n r ISO 13406 2 standa...

Page 62: uydu al c s DVD player ya da kablolu kanal yay nlar nda beklenen performans al namayabilir ve bu yay nlarda resimde mozaiklenme veya resim netlik ve keskinli i az g r nt de ekranda baz efektler olu...

Page 63: ...Operations 83 Operation with the Buttons on the TV 83 Volume Setting 83 Programme Selection 83 Viewing Main Menu 83 AV Mode 83 Operation with the Remote Control 83 Volume Setting 83 Programme Selecti...

Page 64: ...AVL 103 Audio Out 103 Spdif Out 103 SRS TruSurr XT optional 103 Effect optional 103 Store 103 Feature Menu 104 Movie Sense Plus 104 Pip Pap 104 Pip Pap 104 Pip Size 104 PIP Position 104 Source 104 Pr...

Page 65: ...pendix A PC Input Typical Display Modes 112 Appendix B AV and HDMI Signal Compatibility Input Signal Types 113 Appendix C Supported DVI Resolutions 114 Appendix D Pin Specifications 115 SCART connecto...

Page 66: ...programming system Forward or backward manual tuning Sleep timer Child lock A u t o m a t i c s o u n d m u t e w h e n n o transmission NTSC playback PIP PAP PAT functions AVL Automatic Volume Limit...

Page 67: ...not likely to be stepped on A damaged power cord can cause fire or give you an electric shock When it is damaged and needs to be replaced it should be done by qualified personnel Moisture and Water Do...

Page 68: ...e local authority or the dealer where you purchased the product Disconnecting the Device The mains plug is used to disconnect TV set from the mains and therefore it must remain readily operable Headph...

Page 69: ...TV from the mains plug This will also reduce energy consumption Disconnect power when going away for longer time Note that annually using the TV set in Power Save Mode has more power efficiency than...


Page 71: ...DTV mode Hold in 24 TXT mode Volume up down 25 Navigation buttons 26 Source selection 27 Previous Programme 28 Blue Install menu Favourite mode in 29 DTV mode Yellow Feature Current language in 30 DT...

Page 72: 70 LCD TV and Operating Buttons FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW SIDE VIEW Standby button 1 TV AV button 2 Programme Up Down 3 buttons Volume Up Down 4 buttons Note Press buttons at the same time to view main...

Page 73: ...CART cable between SCART sockets on TV and SCART socket on your external device such as a decoder a VCR or a DVD player Note If an external device is connected via the SCART sockets the TV will automa...

Page 74: ...ct the aerial cable through the device to the television with an appropriate antenna cable as shown in the illustrationin the following pages 10 PC Input is for connecting a personal computer to the T...

Page 75: ...used for connecting an external 4 headphone to the system Connect to the HEADPHONE jack to listen to the TV from headphones optional Video Input is used for connecting video signals of 5 external devi...

Page 76: ...50 Hz After unpacking allow the TV set to reach the ambient room temperature before you connect the set to the mains Plug the power cable to the mains socket outlet Aerial Connection Connect the aeri...

Page 77: ...the content See the section Format Disk in the following pages for more information on disk formatting Note that ALL the data stored on the USB disk will be lost and then the disk format will be conv...

Page 78: ...u can back up copy these saved recordings into a personal computer Note It is possible that recorded broadcasts in TS format may not be supported by your media playback software In such a case you sho...

Page 79: ...ect to an external HDMI device Use an HDMI cable to connect HDMI DEVICE SIDE VIEW Connecting the LCD TV to a PC For displaying your computer s screen image on your LCD TV you can connect your computer...

Page 80: as illustrated below switch to HDMI source See Input Selection section Most DVD players are connected through COMPONENT SOCKETS Use a component video cable to connect video input For enabling audio...

Page 81: ...pplied For connecting a camcorder connect to the VIDEO IN socket and the AUDIO SOCKETS Do not connect the camcoder to VIDEO IN socket at the same time since it can cause noise in the picture For selec...

Page 82: ...nect external speakers use an audio cable Do not reverse the AUDIO LEFT and AUDIO RIGHT jacks Turn on the LCD TV and external speaker set after all connections are made Refer to your speaker set s man...

Page 83: ...r a VCR or a decoder to your LCD TV by using the SCART sockets Note that cables shown in the illustration are not supplied Power off both the TV and the devices before making any connections For more...

Page 84: ...ther Press the button P P or a numeric button on the remote control Press the P CH or P CH button on the TV The TV will then switch on Note If you switch on your TV via PROGRAMME UP DOWN buttons on th...

Page 85: ...e previous programme Press P button to select the next programme Programme Selection Direct Access Press numeric buttons on the remote control to select programmes between 0 and 9 The TV will switch t...

Page 86: ...or analogue channels Select your Country Language and Text language by using or and or buttons Press OK or RED button to continue To cancel press the BLUE button For more information on this process s...

Page 87: ...d You will see the timeshift gap between the real and the timeshifted programme in the info bar Use PREVIOUS NEXT buttons to move forward or backward on timeshift playback When the timeshift is reache...

Page 88: ...ard If you press PAUSE button while watching recorded programmes slow forward feature will be available You can use button to slow forward Pressing button consecutively will change slow forwarding spe...

Page 89: ...le recording feature Otherwise recording feature will not be available After you have selected a programme in EPG menu press the OK button and and Options screen will be displayed Select Record option...

Page 90: When you press the button again the digital teletext screen will be displayed Analogue Teletext Use of teletext and its functions are identical to the analogue text system Please do refer to the TE...

Page 91: ...ontinue OSD will be displayed Press OK to confirm or select No to cancel Deleting the Channels in the Channel List Press or button to select the channel that will be deleted Press or button to select...

Page 92: ...set a favourite you should highlight the Favourites item at the bottom of the Channel List menu To set a favourite you should highlight the Favourites item at the bottom of the Channel List menu Then...

Page 93: ...and the numeric buttons Start Starting time is entered via the Left Right and the numeric buttons End Ending time is entered via the Left Right and the numeric buttons Duration Displays recording dura...

Page 94: feature Otherwise recording feature will not be available To view the list of recordings press the M button to display the main menu and use the or button to highlight the Recordings Library line...

Page 95: ...OK button CAM set up menu is not displayed when it is not required To see the viewing contract information enter IDTV press the MENU button then highlight Conditional Access and press the OK button W...

Page 96: ...Select NO and press OK to cancel Ensure you back up important recordings before you format the USB disk unit Hard Disk Info To view the details about the USB disk highlight Hard Disk Info by using or...

Page 97: ...ys and press OK Use or buttons to choose RECEIVER UPGRADE and press OK button Using the or button change Automatic scanning from Enabled to Disabled Highlight Scan for upgrade menu with or keys and pr...

Page 98: ...ding to the selected Time Zone Audio Description Optional Audio description refers to an additional narration track for blind and visually impaired viewers of visual media including television and mov...

Page 99: ...uttons Press OK and Language Settings submenu will be displayed on the screen Use or buttons to highlight the menu item that will be adjusted and then press or button to set Notes System Language dete...

Page 100: ...ange them via the program table Manual Channel Scan In manual channel scan the number of the multiplex is entered manually and only that multiplex is searched for the channels For each valid channel n...

Page 101: ...on to search for analogue channels The following menu appears on the screen for analogue channel search Select your Country Language and TXT Language by using or and or buttons Press OK or RED button...

Page 102: the slideshow Continue button Continue with the slideshow Previous Next buttons Jump to previous or next file of slideshow Rotate buttons Rotate the picture using up down buttons RETURN Back to fil...

Page 103: ...tone correction along with the skin tone detection By using or button you can switch to P xellence mode Press OK button to activate P xellence Select Demo option to start P xellence demo mode Througho...

Page 104: ...the TV is switched to PIP PAP mode Game Mode setting will be disabled and be removed from the Picture menu Picture Zoom Select Picture Zoom by pressing or button Use or buttons to change picture zoom...

Page 105: ...lect AVL Press or button to set the AVL as On or Off Audio Out Press or button to select Audio Out Press or button to set the Audio Out as Speaker or LineOut SPDIF If you select to Audio Out as LineOu...

Page 106: switch the TV to Pip Pap or Off Pip Size Using this setting you can set the size of the Pip window Press or button to highlight Pip Size item Use or button to set Pip Size to Small or Large Note Th...

Page 107: is set to on Menu Background optional Press or button to select Menu Background You can set menu background level by pressing or button Backlight This setting controls the backlight level Select Ba...

Page 108: ...can also enter the desired frequency using the numeric buttons while Search item is highlighted Store Press or button to select Store Press or OK button to store the settings Stored will be displayed...

Page 109: ...n for starting automatic tuning all stored programmes will be erased and the TV will search for available channels During the search the following OSD will be displayed Whenever you press the BLUE but...

Page 110: ...dsheets or paragraphs or text in smaller fonts Select Dot Clock item by using or buttons Use or button to adjust the value PC Picture Menu For adjusting PC picture items do the following Press or butt...

Page 111: ...the remote control Press the OK button to freeze picture Press again to quit freeze mode Zoom Modes You can change the aspect ratio image size of the TV for viewing the picture in different zoom mode...

Page 112: ...mal size INFO Reveal Shows hidden information e g solutions of games OK Hold Holds a text page when convenient Press again to resume Subcode Pages Selects subcode pages if available when the teletext...

Page 113: ...the TV and then re inserting the USB device while the TV is switched off USB Is Too Slow If USB is too slow message is displayed on the screen while starting a recording try restarting the recording I...

Page 114: ...0 480 75 37 5 VESA 8 640 480 85 43 3 VESA 9 800 600 56 35 2 VESA 10 800 600 60 37 9 VESA 11 800 600 70 43 8 12 800 600 72 48 1 VESA 13 800 600 75 46 9 VESA 14 800 600 85 53 7 VESA 15 832 624 75 49 7 M...

Page 115: ...080I 50Hz O 1080I 60Hz O 1080P 50Hz O 1080P 60Hz O HDMI1 HDMI2 HDMI3 HDMI4 480I 60Hz O 480P 60Hz O 576I 50Hz O 576P 50Hz O 720P 50Hz O 720P 60Hz O 1080I 50Hz O 1080I 60Hz O 1080P 50Hz O 1080P 60Hz O 1...

Page 116: ...rted DVI Resolutions When connecting devices to your TV s connectors by using DVI converter cables not supplied you can refer to the following resolution information 24Hz 25Hz 30Hz 50Hz 60Hz 480i 480p...

Page 117: ...Not used 21 GND SHIELD CHASSIS 11 RGB G IN HDMI connector pin specifications Pin Input signal Pin Input signal 1 TMDS Data2 11 TMDS Clock Shield 2 TMDS Data2 Shield 12 TMDS Clock 3 TMDS Data 2 13 CEC...

Page 118: ...t selection is possible only if Scart 1 has a RGB signal Restrictions Scart 1 source must have RGB signal to perform PIP PAP with sources TV Scart 2 FAV If these sources are set to main window and Sca...

Page 119: ...Hz mp3 MPEG 1 2 Layer 1 2 3 MP3 Sample Rate 8K 48KHz Bit Rate 32K 320Kbps Photo jpg Baseline JPEG WxH 14592x12288 Up to 179 Mega pixel Support format 444 440 422 420 Grayscale Progressive JPEG Up to 4...

Page 120: ...odels Transmission standard DVB T MPEG 2 Demodulation COFDM with 2K 8K FFT mode FEC all DVB modes Video MP ML PAL 4 3 16 9 Audio MPEG Layer I II 32 44 148kHz NUMBER OF PRESET CHANNELS 200 CHANNEL INDI...

Page 121: ...els may cause sub pixel errors by way of lighting continuously or remaining dim continuously Please consider the following explanation about a possible sub pixel error This problem can be encountered...

Page 122: ...upported by other sources in terms of high definition DVD players or cable television and in these broadcasts mosaic images may occur sharpness and resolution of the image may be low some effects may...

Page 123: ...retici firma Vestel Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret A Adres Organize Sanayi B lgesi 45030 Manisa Tel 0236 233 01 31 Fax 0236 233 25 85...
