VESTEL 42PF7017B Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 1











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Vestel Dayanıklı Tüketim Malları Pazarlama A.Ş.
Zorlu Plaza Avcılar 34310 İstanbul-TÜRKİYE
Tel: (0212) 456 22 00 Faks: (0212) 422 02 03

Cihazınızın Gümrük ve Ticaret Bakanlığı veya Bakanlıkça tespit ve ilan edilen
kullanım ömrü (cihazın fonksiyonlarını yerine getirebilmesi için
gerekli yedek parça bulundurma süresi) 10 yıldır.

Summary of Contents for 42PF7017B


Page 2: ...nat c 24 USB zerinden Video G r nt leme 24 USB zerinden Foto raf G r nt leme 25 Slayt G sterisi Se enekleri 25 USB zerinden M zik alma 25 Kay t K t phanesi 26 Ortam Taray c Ayarlar 26 DLNA A Servisini...

Page 3: ...laka birlikte verin Bu r n se ti iniz i in te ekk r ederiz Bu k lavuz TV nizi do ru al t rmak i in sizi y nlendirecektir TV yi al t rmadan nce l tfen bu k lavuzu tamamen okuyunuz L tfen ileride de ba...

Page 4: ...izden kar n z Yedek Par alar Yedek par a gerekti inde servis teknisyeninin retici taraf ndan belirtilen veya asl yla ayn teknik zelliklere sahip par alar kulland ndan emin olunuz Yan sanayi par alarla...

Page 5: fi i prizden ekilmelidir Herhangi bir acil durumda fi inin derhal ekilebilmesi i in cihaz cihaz ile elektrik fi i aras nda herhangi bir engel olmayacak ekilde yerle tirilmelidir Yang n tehlikesini...

Page 6: ...ine dikkat ediniz E er g tasarruf Modunu G r nt kapal olarak ayarlarsan z ekranda bir mesaj g r nt lenecek ve arka k saniye i inde kapanacakt r G r nt y tekrar etkinle tirmek i in uzaktan kumandadaki...

Page 7: ...tam Taray c video modunda Altyaz a k kapal TXT Altyaz Analog TV modu 32 Altyaz Ortam Taray c modunda lev yok 33 H zl leri Sar Ortam Taray c video modunda 34 Durdur Ortam Taray c video modunda 35 Durak...

Page 8: bir ayg t ba lanm sa TV otomatik olarak AV moduna ge ecektir Bile en G r nt Giri leri YpBPr 3 bile en g r nt ba lant s yapmak i in kullan l r Bile en videosunu ve ses soketlerini bile en k olan bir...

Page 9: ...nde bulunan PC k na ba lay n z Ethernet giri i nternet ba lant s ve hizmeti i in 12 Ba lant lar Yan Konekt rler CI Yuvas CI kart n yerle tirmek i in kullan l r CI kart abone oldu unuz b t n kanallar 1...

Page 10: ...bir USB hard diski formatlarken formatlama s reci ile ilgili problemler ya ayabilirsiniz Bu durumda ahsi bilgisayar n zla diski formatlaman z gerekir formatlanan disk tipi FAT 32 olmal d r YANDAN G R...

Page 11: sonra PC kayna n se iniz Giri se imi b l m ne bak n z G r nt leme gerekliliklerinize uygun olan z n rl ayarlay n z z n rl k bilgisi Ekler b l m nde bulunabilir PC ses kablosu Cihazla birlikte veril...

Page 12: ...soketi DVD Oynat c Skart Kablosu tedarik edilmemi tir HDMI Kablosu HDMI SCART tedarik edilmemi tir Yan AV Konekt rlere Ba lama TV nin yan konekt rlerini kullanarak LCD TV nize bir dizi opsiyonel ekip...

Page 13: ...LAN a n za ekleyebilirsiniz Payla lan dosyalara eri im i in Ortam Taray c s n se melisiniz MENU tu una bas n z ve Sol veya Sa tu unu kullanarak Ortam Taray c s n se iniz Devam etmek i in OK tu una ba...

Page 14: i in optimize edilmi tir Bilgisayar gibi di er cihazlar aras nda daha h zl dosya payla m i in LAN ba lant s n kullan n Frekans ve kanal b lgeye g re de i ebilir Aktar m h zlar aktar m yapan r nleri...

Page 15: ini prizden ekiniz Not TV bekleme moduna getirildi inde bekleme LED i Bekleme Modunda Arama Uydudan Otomatik Yaz l m ndirme ya da Zamanlay c gibi zelliklerin aktif oldu unu belirtmek i in yan p s n...

Page 16: ...tu una bas n z Program Se imi Do rudan Eri im 0 ila 9 aras ndaki programlar se mek i in uzaktan kumanda zerindeki say tu lar na bas n z Televizyon se ilen programa ge ecektir Aradaki programlar se me...

Page 17: ...rak ayarlayabilirsiniz Bu uygulamadan sonra Arama A amas n 8000 KHz ya da 1000 KHz olarak ayarlayabilirsiniz 1000 KHz se erseniz televizyon arama i lemini detayl olarak yapacakt r Bu nedenle arama s r...

Page 18: ...rden ok al c n z ve tek kablolu sisteminiz varsa bu anten tipini se iniz Devam etmek i in OK tu una bas n z Ekrandaki talimatlar izleyerek ayarlar yap land r n z Servis taramas yapmak i in OK tu una b...

Page 19: ...etmek i in No Hay r se ene ini se iniz ve daha sonra OK tu una bas n z Otomatik kanal tarama tipi se ilip do ruland ktan sonra kurulum i lemi ba layacak ve ilerleme ubu u g r nt lenecektir lemi iptal...

Page 20: ...umaras n giriniz Aramak i in OK tu una basabilirsiniz Kanal bulunduktan sonra listede bulunmayan yeni kanallar kaydedilecektir A Kanallar n Tarama veya ve OK tu lar n kullanarak Kurulum men s nden A K...

Page 21: ...listesini silme Clear Service List Bu ayar lke se ene i Danimarka sve Norve ya da Finlandiya olarak ayarland nda g r nt lenebilir Kaydedilmi kanallar silmek i in bu ayar kullan n z Servis listesini s...

Page 22: ...e eneklerini g sterir OK Se enekler Gelecekprogramlari inzamanlay c g r nt ler kaydeder ya da ayarlar Metin Arama Rehber Arama men s n g r nt ler SUBT T r Se men s n g r nt lemek i in SUBTITLE tu una...

Page 23: ...yonunu kullanabilirsiniz OK Se ileni izle MENU k KIRMIZI Sadece dijital anten ve analog yay nlar listeler YE L Sadece dijital kablo ve analog yay nlar listeler MAV Filtreleme se eneklerini g sterir Ka...

Page 24: ...tu una bas n z Se ilen kanal n yan nda bir kilit sembol g sterilecektir Kanal Y netimi S k Kullan lanlar Bir s k kullan lan programlar listesi olu turabilirsiniz Ana men y g r nt lemek i in MENU tu un...

Page 25: ...g r nt lemek i in d rt basamakl rakamsal kodu girmeniz gerekir varsay lan kod 0000 d r B yle bir durumda ekranda Enter PIN PIN Giriniz ibaresi g r nt lenir Ortam Taray c Kullanarak Medya Oynat c E er...

Page 26: ...e ilen dosyaya atlan r OK Se ilen resmi tam ekran olarak g r nt ler Slayt g sterisi tu u T m resimlerin slayt g sterisini ba lat r YE L K k resimlerde g r nt leri g r nt ler KIRMIZI Dosyalar tarih ola...

Page 27: ...cektir NEML Bir program kaydetmek i in TV nize kapal durumdayken bir USB diski ba lamal s n z Sonra kay t zelli ini etkinle tirmek i in TV nizi a mal s n z Aksi takdirde kay t zelli i etkin olmayacakt...

Page 28: ...i in bir Winstron DNUB 236 Kablosuz USB dongle a ihtiyac n z vard r Wi Fi dongle n TV nizin USB giri lerinden birine tak n z Ayarlar men s nden A ayarlar n se iniz Yap land rma Durumunu Ba l olarak ay...

Page 29: ...rek ba lay n Bundan sonra cep telefonunuzu router ile ba lay n ve cep telefonunuzdaki payla m yaz l m n al t r n Sonra TV niz ile payla mak istedi iniz dosyalar se in E er ba lant d zg n bir ekilde ku...

Page 30: ...yay na ba l olarak farkl resim formatlar nda izlenebilir Farkl yak nla t rma zoom modlar nda resim g r nt lemek i in TV nin g r n m oran n resim boyutunu de i tirebilirsiniz Resim boyutunu de i tirmek...

Page 31: ...rgulan rken Pixellence tan t m modu men ekran n n alt nda g sterilecektir Pixellence Tan t m Modu fonksiyonu TV nin video ayarlar n optimize eder ve daha iyi bir g r nt kalitesinin elde edilmesine yar...

Page 32: ...nma opsiyonel Movie Sense se ene i D k Orta veya Y ksek olarak ayarlanm ise demo se ene i mevcuttur Bu se eneklerden birinin se ilmi olmas halinde OK tu una bast n zda demo modu ba lat l r Tan t m kon...

Page 33: ...SesAyarlar men s n g r nt lemek i in OK tu una bas n z Ses Ayarlar Men elerini Kullanma Bir men esini vurgulamak i in veya tu lar na bas n z Bir e ayarlamak i in veya tu unu kullan n z kmak i in MENU...

Page 34: ...Belirli dijital kanallar seyredebilmek i in bir ko ullu eri im mod l CAM gereklidir Bu mod l TV nizin CI yuvas na tak l r Bir demeli kanal irketine abone olarak Ko ullu Eri im Mod l n CAM ve G r nt le...

Page 35: ayar Danimarka sve Norve veya Finlandiya dan birine yap lm sa dil ayarlar men s a a da anlat ld ekilde i leyecektir Dil Ayarlar Ayarlar men s nde veya tu una basarak Dil Ayarlar Language Settings m...

Page 36: ...Kilidi A k mesaj g r nt lenir PIN ayarlama Yeni bir PIN numaras tan mlar Yeni bir PIN numaras girmek i in rakamsal tu lar kullan n z Do rulama maksad yla yeni PIN numaras n ikinci kez girmeniz istenec...

Page 37: ...ayar kullanarak erken ba latma i in kay t zamanlay c n n ba lama s resini ayarlayabilirsiniz Sadece AB lke opsiyonlar nda mevcuttur Maks S re de i imi Bu ayar s re de i imi i in izin verilen maksimum...

Page 38: ...olarak MAN EL se ilirse Saat Dilimi de i tirilebilir veya tu una basarak Zaman Dilimi se ene ini se iniz Zaman Diliminin GMT 12 veya GMT 12 aras nda de i tirmek i in veya tu lar n kullan n z Men list...

Page 39: ...yarlar n kontrol edin ve gerekli de i iklikleri ger ekle tirin E er anten ayarlar d zg n bir ekilde yap lmazsa Sinyal Yok eklinde bir mesaj g r nt lenebilir A Ayarlar n Yap land rma Not TV nizinA Ayar...

Page 40: ...n s ne girin oynat m cihaz se imi men s g r nt lenir Cep telefonunuzun kimli ini se in ve devam etmek i in OK tu una bas n Not Bu zellik baz cep telefonlar nca desteklenmeyebilir Wi Fi Ayarlar Opsiyon...

Page 41: ...e modunda oldu una emin olunuz Otomatik Tarama se ene ini ayarlayarak otomatik y kseltme i levini etkinle tirebilir veya devre d b rakabilirsiniz Uydu i in G ncellemeyi D zenle se ene ini ayarlayarak...

Page 42: ...sarak Resim Modu Picture Mode ayar n g r nt leme gereksinimlerinize uygun olarak de i tirebilirsiniz Mevcut se enekler Dinamik Do al Sinema ve Oyun dur Teleteks Teleteks sistemi TV nize haber spor ve...

Page 43: ...i d n k Ses Men s ne bak n z Uzaktan Kumanda TV uzaktan kumandaya art k yan t vermiyor Muhtemelen piller bitmi tir Bu durumda TV zerindeki lokal tu lar kullanabilirsiniz Giri Kaynaklar E er bir giri k...

Page 44: ...AV ve HDMI Sinyal Uyumlulu u Giri Sinyal Tipleri Kaynak Desteklenen Sinyaller Mevcut EXT 1 SCART 1 PAL 50 60 O NTSC 60 O RGB 50 O RGB 60 O EXT 2 SCART 2 PAL 50 60 O NTSC 60 O RGB 50 X RGB 60 X FAV SI...

Page 45: ...Ek D USB Modunda Desteklenen Dosya Formatlar Desteklenen Ayg tlar Ayg t Ak Video Decoder MSVD Ses Decoder MSAD Ses MP3 None MP3 Ses WAV AIFF None LPCM Windows Media optional WMA ASF VC1 WMA MPEG1 Pro...

Page 46: varsa TV 03 00 de a l r ve yeni yaz l m y kseltmeleri i in yay n kanallar n arar E er yeni bir yazl m bulunur ve ba ar yla y klenirse TV bir sonraki a l nda yeni yaz l m versiyonuyla al r Yeniden b...

Page 47: ...Nero MediaHome kurulum sihirbaz g r nt lenir Gerekirse devam etmeden nce dil se im men s nden kurulum dilini de i tirin Next ileri d mesine t klay n 3 Entegre seri g sterilir L tfen g sterilen seriyi...

Page 48: ...eady to Start Installation Process Kurulum lemini ba latmaya Haz r ekran g sterilir kurulum otomatik olarak ba lat l r ve bitirilir Bir ilerleme ubu u kurulum i leminin ilerleyi i hakk nda bilgi verir...

Page 49: ...lavuzunuzun bu b l m nde bulunan g rseller servis sa lay c n za g re de i iklik g sterebilir Portal zelli i ile k sa yollar tan mlanan m zik video klip yada internet i eriklerini kolayl kla izleyebil...

Page 50: ...ayarlar b l m ne ula abilir ve istedi iniz ayarlar yapabilirsiniz Radyo kanallar Sisteminize tan mlanm olan radyo kanallar ndan diledi inizi se ebilirsiniz ehir se in Ya ad n z ehri se erek baz zelli...

Page 51: ...VC H 264 HP L4 Video Dekoder Ses Ses MPEG 1 layer I II III MP3 MPEG 2 AAC MPEG 4 AAC rnekleme s kl klar n n destekLEDikleri 32 kHz 44 1 veya 48 kHz Teknik zellikler TV YAYINI PAL SECAM B G D K K I I L...

Page 52: ...s recinde de kar la labilinir Alt piksel hatalar 2 ana e ittir Tip 1 S rekli yanan alt piksel k rm z ye il veya mavi olabilir Tip 2 S rekli s n k alt piksel siyah bir ekilde g r n r ISO 13406 2 standa...

Page 53: uydu al c s DVD player ya da kablolu kanal yay nlar nda beklenen performans al namayabilir ve bu yay nlarda resimde mozaiklenme veya resim netlik ve keskinli i az g r nt de ekranda baz efektler olu...

Page 54: ...Screen Information 76 Media Playback Using Media Browser 76 Viewing Videos via USB 76 Viewing Photos via USB 77 Slideshow Options 77 Playing Music via USB 77 Recordings Library 78 Media Browser Settin...

Page 55: ...for the proper operation of your TV Before operating the TV please read this manual thoroughly Please do keep this manual in a safe place for future references This device is intended to receive and d...

Page 56: ...Servicing Please refer all servicing to qualified personnel Do not remove the cover yourself as this may result in an electric shock Waste Disposal Instructions for waste disposal Packaging and packag...

Page 57: ...hould principally be separated from the mains socket prior to a longer period of non usage i e during vacations Electrical device not in the hands of children Never let children use electrical device...

Page 58: ...f you set power save mode as Picture off a message will appear on the screen and backlight will be off within three seconds Press any button on the remote controller to activate the picture again When...

Page 59: ...cture mode selecion Changes picture mode in 31 Media Browser video mode Subtitle on off TXT subtitle analogue TV mode 32 Subtitle in Media Browser mode No function 33 Fast forward in Media Browser mod...

Page 60: ...ocket the TV will automatically switch to AV mode Component Video Inputs YPbPr 3 are used for connecting component video You can connect the component video and audio sockets with a device that has co...

Page 61: ...rnet connectivity 12 Viewing the Connections Side Connectors CI Slot is used for inserting a CI card A CI card allows you to view all the channels that 1 you subscribe to For more information see Cond...

Page 62: ...ld have a USB logo and should be as short as possible Note While formatting a USB hard disk that has 1TB Tera Byte or more file capacity you can experience problems with the formatting process In such...

Page 63: ...supplied to AUDIO INPUTS on the TV Audio Inputs PC Input back PC RGB Cable Not supplied Recorded programmes are stored in the following directory of the connected USB disk DVR RECS All recordings are...

Page 64: ...s DVD Player Scart Cable not supplied HDMI Cable not supplied HDMI SCART Using Side AV Connectors You can connect a range of optional equipment to your LED TV using side connectors of the TV For conne...

Page 65: illustrated below To access and play shared files you must Select Media Browser Press Menu button and select Media Browser by using Left or Right button Press OK to continue Select the desired fil...

Page 66: ...sharing between other devices like computers The frequency and channel differ depending on the area The transmission speed differs depending on the distance and number of obstructions between the tran...

Page 67: ...Search Over Air Download or Timer is active The LED can also blink when you switch on the TV from standby mode The TV will switch on with the last selected channel number regardless of the channel num...

Page 68: ...V will switch to the selected programme To select programmes between press the numeric buttons consecutively When the pressing time is due for the second numeric button only the first digit programme...

Page 69: ...arch process in a detaiLED way Searching duration will thus increase accordingly When finished press OK button to start automatic search Aerial Installation If you select AERIAL option from the Search...

Page 70: have multiple receivers and a unicable system select this antenna type Press OK to continue Con gure settings by following instructions on the screen Press OK to scan for services DiSEqC switch I...

Page 71: ...elect Yes to cancel select No by using or and OK button After auto channel scan type is set and selected and confirmed installation process will start and progress bar will move along Press MENU butto...

Page 72: ...ranges from this screen For highlighting lines you see use or button You can enter the frequency range manually by using the numeric buttons on the remote control Set Start and Stop Frequency as desir...

Page 73: ...s or sets timer for future programs INFO Event Details Displays the programmes in detail Green button Programme schedule will be listed Yellow button Display EPG data in accordance with timeline sched...

Page 74: ...the selected progamme You can press again to stop the recording Note Switching to a different broadcast or source is not available during the recording Page left Page right Programme Options In EPG me...

Page 75: ...nels YELLOW button to tag untag channel Select the channel that you want to delete and select Delete option Press OK button to continue A warning screen will appear Select YES to delete select No to c...

Page 76: ...hannel List You can select broadcasts to be listed in the channel list To display specific types of broadcast you should use Active Channel List setting Select Active Channel List from the Channel lis...

Page 77: ...or First Time Installation first plug the USB device out and power off on the TV set Plug the USB device in again To display Media Browser window press either MENU button on the remote control and the...

Page 78: ...ews the selected picture in full screen Slideshow button Starts the slideshow using all images GREEN Views images in thumbnails RED Sorts files by date YELLOW Change view style BLUE Switch between mus...

Page 79: ...f previously recorded by using button Press OK button to view Play Options Select an option by using or OK buttons Available playback options Play from start Plays the recording from the beginning Res...

Page 80: networks If any active wireless networks are found a list will be displayed Please select your desired network from the list If the selected network is protected with a password please enter the co...

Page 81: and playback device selection OSD will be displayed Select your cell phone s ident and press OK to continue Note This feature may not be supported by some cell phones Timeshift Recording IMPORTA...

Page 82: modes are listed below Auto When AUTO is selected the aspect ratio of the screen is adjusted by the 8th pin of scart connector in scart mode the information provided by the HDMI source device in HD...

Page 83: ...image quality Pixellence Demo Mode thus includes contrast sharpness colour enhancement and skin tone correction along with the skin tone detection Press OK to start Pixellence Demo Mode for experienc...

Page 84: ...ckness in the picture You can set this feature as On for activating HDMI True Black mode Filmmode Films are recorded at a different number of frames per second to normal television programmes Press or...

Page 85: ...Headphone Sets headphone volume Sound Mode You can select Mono Stereo Dual I or Dual II mode only if the selected channel supports that mode AVL Automatic Volume Limiting AVL function sets the sound t...

Page 86: ...on Interface module detected message appears on the screen Refer to the module instruction manual for details of the settings Viewing Conditional Access Menu These menu settings may change depending o...

Page 87: view Settings menu Use or button to highlight Parental and press OK to continue To display parental lock menu options PIN number should be entered Factory default PIN number is 0000 After coding th...

Page 88: ...the numeric buttons Duration Displays duration between the starting and ending time Repeat Sets a timer to be repeated as Once Daily or Weekly Use or buttons to select an option Change Delete Sets the...

Page 89: ...ght Date Time Date Time Time Settings Mode and Time Zone Setting will be available Use or buttons to highlight the Time Settings Mode Time Settings Mode is set using or buttons It can be set to AUTO o...

Page 90: ...i Fi dongle a warning screen will appear and the TV will not get an IP address Try connecting the LAN cable after this and then the TV will be able to get an IP address Configuring Wired Device Settin...

Page 91: ...connected IP Address Displays the current IP address Network Name Connected networks name will be displayed Delete Saved Wifi Profiles Saved profiles will be deleted if you press red button while wire...

Page 92: ...nnel type and resolution information is displayed on the screen when a new programme is entered or INFO button is pressed Mute Function Press button to disable sound Mute indicator will be displayed i...

Page 93: When moving the TV hold it properly from the bottom part Image Persistence Please note that ghosting may occur while displaying a persistent image LED TVs image persistence may disappear after a sh...

Page 94: ...obile telephones bluetooth devices or any other Wi Fi compatible devices Try changing the active channel on the WLAN router Recording Unavailable To record a programme you should first connect a USB d...

Page 95: ...0Hz O 1080I 50Hz O 1080I 60Hz O 1080P 50Hz O 1080P 60Hz O HDMI1 HDMI2 HDMI3 HDMI4 480I 60Hz O 480P 60Hz O 576I 50Hz O 576P 50Hz O 720P 50Hz O 720P 60Hz O 1080I 50Hz O 1080I 60Hz O 1080P 50Hz O 1080P 6...

Page 96: ...rted File Formats for USB Mode Supported Players Player Stream Video Decoder MSVD Audio Decoder MSAD Audio MP3 None MP3 Audio WAV AIFF None LPCM Windows Media optional WMA ASF VC1 WMA MPEG1 Program St...

Page 97: ...ches broadcast channels for new software upgrade If new software is found and downloaded successfully with next power up TV opens with new software version Note on reboot operation Reboot is the last...

Page 98: ...e Nero MediaHome installation wizard is displayed If necessary change installation language from the language selection menu before continuing Click the Next button 3 The integrated serial is displaye...

Page 99: ...he Next button 9 The Ready to Start Installation Process screen is displayed installation begins and finishes automatically A progress bar informs you of the progress of the installation process Insta...

Page 100: ...feature allows you to view the music video clip or web content with defined shortcuts Whether you can view these content without interruption depends on the connection speed provided by your internet...

Page 101: ...ccess the settings by pressing the blue button on your remote and perform any desired setting Radio stations You can select any of the radio stations defined for your system Select city You can select...

Page 102: ...level 4 1 MPEG 2 MP HL video decoder HD display multi format capable 1080i 720p 576p CVBS analogue output In HD channels this will not be available III AUDIO MPEG 1 layer I II MPEG 2 layer II AAC HEAA...

Page 103: ...els may cause sub pixel errors by way of lighting continuously or remaining dim continuously Please consider the following explanation about a possible sub pixel error This problem can be encountered...

Page 104: ...upported by other sources in terms of high definition DVD players or cable television and in these broadcasts mosaic images may occur sharpness and resolution of the image may be low some effects may...

Page 105: ...retici firma Vestel Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret A Adres Organize Sanayi B lgesi 45030 Manisa Tel 0236 233 01 31 Fax 0236 233 25 85...

Page 106: Pazarlama A Zorlu Plaza Avc lar 34310 stanbul T RK YE Tel 0212 456 22 00 Faks 0212 422 02 03 Cihaz n z n G mr k ve Ticaret Bakanl veya Bakanl k a tespit ve ilan edilen kullan m mr cihaz n fonksiyon...
