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23 May 2013
Display Options – Editing Default Position Text
Selecting EDIT DEFAULT POS TEXT from the DISPLAY OPTIONS menu takes the operator to the menu,
where the default position text can be edited (See Fig 55 & 56).
This text is used when a preset position has no display text of its own and is accompanied by the
relevant position number.
Fig 55
Display Options menu screen
Fig 56
Edit Default Position Text screen
Selecting DISPLAY ERROR LIST from the DISPLAY OPTIONS menu takes the operator to the DISPLAY
ERROR LIST screen, which displays the errors that have occurred, and the date and time of their
occurrence (See Fig 57 & 58).
CNT (count) is the number of times an error has occurred, and DATE and TIME display when that
error has last occurred.
The 1
3 lines display: the 1
error since error logging started (1
); the 1
error since the Dome was
powered up (APU-After Power Up); and the last error (LST) that occurred.
CLEAR ALL ERRORS clears the error log from the Dome memory. Selecting the FORWARD arrow takes
the operator to the next page of errors; the BACKWARD arrow takes the operator to the previous
page of errors.
Fig 57
Display Options menu screen
Fig 58
Display Error List screen