NetSure Rectifier Module User Manual (UM1R243000 / 11BJ1307WA)
Rev. G
The module is rated for continuous operation at full output power up to +50°C (+122°F).
Operation b50°C (+122°F) and +65°C (+149°F) will result in output power decrease. Operation
above +65°C (+149°F) is considered abnormal and should be used on a temporary
basis only.
Temporary Operation at Abnormal Temperature: Temporary operation is defined as a period of
not more than eight consecutive hours per day, and a total of not more than 15 days in a year.
(This refers to a total of 120 hours in any given year, but no more than 15 occurrences in that one-
year period.)
Static: Steady state regulation is ±0.5% as controlled within the rectifier for any and all combinations
of load from no load to full load, input voltage, and input frequency at a constant ambient
temperature. The associated system controller may provide improved regulation.
Dynamic Load: For any step load change within the range of 10% to 90% of full load within 50
microseconds, per Telcordia GR-947-CORE, the maximum voltage transient will not exceed ±5% of
the initial steady state voltage within 250 microseconds. Recovery to within 1% of the initial steady
state voltage does not exceed 4 milliseconds.
Dynamic Line: Any step change of line voltage within the specified operating range shall not cause
the output voltage to deviate outside the ±0.5% regulation band.
Filtering (with or without battery): Typical readings were taken at nominal input voltage, nominal output
voltage, 50% load, and 25°C (77°F) ambient.
Voice Band Noise: Complies with Telcordia GR-947-CORE.
Typically 30 dBrn with C-message weighting. Does not exceed 32 dBrn C.
Typically 0.6 millivolt psophometric. Does not exceed 1 millivolt psophometric.
Wide Band Noise: Complies with Telcordia GR-947-CORE.
Typically 80 millivolts peak-to-peak. Does not exceed 250 millivolts peak-to-peak.
Typically 6.3 millivolts rms. Does not exceed 50 millivolts rms.
AC Input Ratings
Normal: Nominal 208-240 volts AC, single phase, 50/60 Hz, with an operating range of 180 to 264
volts. Acceptable input frequency range is 47 to 65 Hz.
Reduced Output: The rectifier operates and provides reduced output power from 180 to 90 volts.
Extended: The rectifier operates safely to 275 volts AC.
Safe Voltage: The rectifier tolerates 300 volts AC without damage.
Harmonic Content: Meets EN 61000-3-2.
Inrush Current: Peak does not exceed 2 times the RMS input current at full load, nominal input voltage,
and for any duration of AC input interrupts. Under the above conditions, standard AC distribution circuit
breakers will not trip.