After the completion of the pairing process
Select and Tap the New Device to start the pairing process.
Tap “Nickname” and enter a name (of your choice) and the password for the light (the
password consist of 4 digits of your choosing.) Then
Tap “Done” to save it.
Should you install more than one light fixture it will be recommended to only use one password to
control multiple light fixtures to prevent the smartphone App from requesting you to enter the
password again when using different passwords for multiple installed fixtures.
Please wait about 5 Seconds after you saved the data. You will then
the New Device on your
smartphone App.
Should you want to change the password, you can Tap the “Password” button, then, enter your
“Old Password” and then “New Password”, enter new password to confirm and Tap the “Done”
button to save your Password. Please wait about 5 Seconds after you save your data to resume