For some bank cards, the terminal might require the
customer’s signature if the transaction amount exceeds a
certain limit, and the merchant must check the signature
on the back of the bank card. If the signature is correct,
the green button must be pressed on the terminal.
If the signature is not correct, the merchandise must not
be handed over to the customer and the red button must
be pressed .
If the amount of the contactless transaction exceeds the
allowed transaction limit, the PIN pad will prompt you to
insert the card in the card reader, and a chip card
transaction will be performed instead (see page 4:
“Performing a sales transaction with a chip card”).
The first copy of the receipt remains with the vendor and
the second is handed over to the buyer.
Name of the point of sale
Address of point of sale
Terminal id
Transaction time
Receipt number
Card type
Card number
Transaction type
Transaction total
Mark of contactless transaction
Receipt type
Transaction types:
T0 –
on-line transaction (card is read via card reader)
T3 –
off-line transaction (card is read via card reader)
The terminal will print out the receipt if the authorisation
centre receives a positive response code. Otherwise, the
transaction will not be saved and the terminal will issue an
error message showing response codes and instructions
for further actions.
Make sure the transaction is approved on the receipt.