Venus VIVA User Manual Effective Date: 28.07.13 P/N: DCVIROW3 Rev.01
Selecting Desired Applicator
Before initiating the treatment, operator should select the desired applicator, according
to the required treatment modality and the size of the treatment area.
Scan FX Applicator is intended for fractional RF treatment
Firm FX applicator is intended for (MP)
treatments for small treatment areas
Firm BX applicator is intended for (MP)
treatments for large areas
Selecting the desired applicator is done by pressing on the left and right arrows on the
Applicator Selection
button (see Figure 5-2, marked A). Each applicator is associated
with certain treatment parameters which will be displayed on the screen upon selection
of applicator. The system default applicator is the Firm FX applicator.
Fractional RF Treatment Mode
Figure 5-3 presents the treatment parameters associated with Scan FX applicator. The
numbered tags correspond to the following numbered elements of the screen:
Figure 5-3: Scan FX Treatment screen