22 – Part 3: Solar water heater system installation – Solar loop piping to collectors
Solar loop piping to collectors
1. Locate the collector hot supply fl exible pipe (with red tab) -- the hot supply pipe must be cut to length using a tubing
cutter and connected to the microbubble air separator mounted to the pump station controller. Locate the collector
cold supply fl exible pipe (with blue tab) -- the cold supply pipe must be cut to length and connected to the top right
connection of the pump station controller. Use pipe tape and gasket provided when making fl exible pipe connections
and tighten the fl exible pipe nuts
turn past snug.
Solar loop piping to heat exchanger
1. Install the ZFM-002 fl exible pipes between pump station and solar storage tank heat exchanger. Connect the
gasket end of one of the ZFM-002 fl exible pipes to the bottom left connection (hot pipe) of the pump station
controller. Route the pipe to the top connection of the tank heat exchanger and cut the pipe to length. Using one of
the retaining clips and fl exible pipe nuts provided, connect the pipe to the heat exchanger. Use pipe tape and gasket
provided when making pipe connections and tighten the fl exible pipe nuts
turn past snug.
2. Connect the gasket end of the remaining ZFM-002
fl exible pipes to the bottom right connection (cold pipe)
of the pump station controller. Route the pipe to the
bottom connection of the tank heat exchanger and cut
the pipe to length. Using the remaining retaining clips
and fl exible pipe nut provided, connect the pipe to the
heat exchanger. Use pipe tape and gasket provided
when making fl exible pipe connections and tighten the
fl exible pipe nuts
turn past snug. Secure fl exible
pipes to the wall with support clamps provided.