20 – Part 3: Solar water heater system installation – Flashing installation
Solar storage tank and pump station controller location
Choose a location for your solar storage tank and pump station controller centralized to the domestic hot water piping system.
You must also locate the solar storage tank and related domestic piping where it will not be exposed to freezing temperature.
All piping should be insulated. The storage tank should be installed so there is access to the electric element and thermostat
for future service. If you do not provide minimum clearances, it might not be possible to service the tank without removing
it from the space. The tank should also be placed in a location where T&P discharge or a leak will not result in damage to the
surrounding area. If you do not have this location requirement available, you must use an auxiliary catch pan.
Provide clear access to the storage tank, pump station controller, expansion tank, mixing valve, and other key components.
The components on the potable side of the system may require future service or maintenance, so it is recommended that the
connections be made with brass unions. You must use the VELUX pipe and fi ttings in plumbing the solar loop for the solar
storage tank and the expansion tank. The use of galvanized fi ttings, nipples, di-electric unions, CPVC, PVC or other plastic pipe
is prohibited.
Hard copper connections to the city cold water supply line and home hot water feed lines are recommended. The gaskets in
standard water heater fl ex hose connectors can become brittle and compressed over time and begin leaking on the water
heater. If not detected in a timely manner, even a drip or leak may cause serious damage to the tank’s electrical components or
in extreme cases, may cause the tank to leak from the outside in.
Do not introduce heat transfer fl uids into any fi ttings on the tank except those clearly marked for that purpose. Heat
transfer fl uid must be classifi ed as non-toxic. See HTF specifi cation in the back of this manual.
4. Cover the solar collectors before proceeding to the next step of the system installation procedure.
Maximum 2”
Diameter of water heater
plus 2” minimum
To open drain,
line should be
at least
” ID
and pitched for
proper drainage.
6” Min
24” Min
No min
6” Min