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1. Push On/Off button.
2. By pusing Temperature button, please select Temperature
control mode.
• At that time, Temperature control lamp is lighten.
3. By pushing “
“ button, please select desire temperature.
• The setting range: 0~40 °C
• The default value: 25°C
• During the time you push
, the setting temperature is
increased/decreased very fast.
• The range of current temp display –9~50 °C
4. During operaton, the current temp. and setting temp. both
are displayed, and if you push On/Off button and make the
operation stop, only current temp. is shown.
5. When the setting temp. is higher 2 °C than current temp.,
it starts operation, and the setting temp. is less than 1 °C
than current temp., the operation is stop.
• Current temp. < Setting temp. … Opeartion (+2°C)
• Current temp. > Setting temp. … Opearation stop (-1°C)
• The current temp is less than -9°C(16° F), the dispaly of the
temp. is ‘LO’, and more than 50°C(99° F) it dispalys as ‘HI’
(50°C is not same value as 99° F, actually 37°C is same value
as 99° F)
• The setting temperature is increased/decreased 1 °C by
pushing of (
) button, if you push the button more than
for 2sec. the value is increased/decreased 1 °C in 0.2 sec.
• If you push
button for 5sec. simultaneously, the
unit is converted from °C to °F or from °F to °C (The defaulte
unit is °C)
This mode enables the user set the desired tempera-
ture, and once it is fi xed this heater works automati-
cally with running and stop repeatedly to meet this
(If power ON and Heater starts operation, the temper-
ature control mode will be operated as default.)