VDOT-ASD-400 Aspiration Detector
Velocity Detection
VDOT-ASD-400 Aspirating Smoke Detector User’s Manual V1
VDOT-ASD-400 is aspirating smoke detectors especially developed by ASD prevent CO., Ltd. for large
open space very early warning fire detection.
Due to the nature of aspirating smoke detection systems, the air samples from all the individual
sampling pipes are drawn into one central detection unit causing the smoke particles to mix, making
the identification area difficult to determine. However, one of the advantages of VDOT-ASD-400 is
that it has four independent aspirators; each aspirator is connected to its own pipe inlet. Therefore,
it can easily identify the smoke origin simply by the control of each aspirator on and off to see which
pipe has the highest smoke level. This ASD patented pipe scan process identifies the pipe that
contains the most smoke, extremely useful when using the four-pipe aspirating smoke detector. This
multi-pipe system is designed to protect large areas, the pipe scan system can quickly and
automatically identify the individual pipe, reducing the search area down drastically to a quarter of
the protected area, making the fire search much easier. Features
ASD uses high power, short wavelength blue LED as the detection light source. It is very sensitivity
to small smoke particles generated during the incipient stage of a fire, at which time remaining
invisible to human eyes. The highest alarm sensitivity of ASD high sensitivity smoke detector is
0.005%/m, which is 1000 times more sensitive than a conventional point type smoke detector.
Alarm Sensitivity Range: 0.005~20%/m
Four Alarm Levels
Automatic and Manual Pipe Scan