Test the device once a year to make sure it is still fully operational:
1. Dismount the unit, open the housing, check the PIR sensor and the mirror and wipe off dust and stains with a soft
2. Mount the unit again and execute a walk test to verify whether the device still works according to the specifications
listed in the manual.
5. Specifications
Operating Voltage
9 to 16Vdc
Warm-Up Time
max. 1 minute
Stand-By Current
max. 25mA @ 12V DC. (measured at the end of the warm-up time)
Operating Current
max. 25mA @ 12V DC. (measured at the end of the warm-up time)
Operating Temperature
0 to 40°C
Mounting Height
1.8m to 2.5m (5.9 to 8.2ft)
Mounting Location
wall, corner, ceiling
Relay Contact
0.5A @ 24V DC
Detection Range
adjustable from 5 to 14m (16.4 to 45.9ft)
Four Lenses
wide-angle, long range, pet, curtain
Detection Range
wide-angle lens : min. 14m (45.9ft) x 110° wide (fan-shaped)
min. 6m (19.6ft) x 180° wide (only left and right)
long-range lens : min. 21m (68.8ft) x 20° wide
min. 6m (19.6ft) x 180° wide (only left and right)
pet lens
: min. 12m (39.4ft) x 110° wide (fan-shaped)
curtain lens
: min. 14m (45.9ft)
Pulse-Count Mode
one- or two-pulse count mode installed through jumper on P2 of PCB
UL and RFI Test
RFI test at 100kHz – 1GHz
EMS Test
25V/m (refer to IEC 801-3).
6. Troubleshooting
device does not function
no contact power line terminals (T5, T6)
connect power lines
test LED does not light when
no contact P1
check jumper on P1
two-pulse count mode does not
function normally
no or bad contact P2
check jumper on P2
triggering does not activate main
unit alarm
no contact terminal T1, T2, T3 or T4
reconnect wires