V. 02 – 08/11/2017
©Velleman nv
Search coil sweeping hints:
Never sweep the search coil as if it were a pendulum. Raising the search coil while sweeping or at the end of
a sweep causes false readings
Sweep slowly - hurrying makes you miss targets.
If the detector detects the material, it sounds a tone and the pointer moves to the type of material if found.
Set MODE to TR2 to determine the quality of the metal.
If the detector does not detect the material, make sure you are moving the search coil correctly.
The detector responds with a strong signal when it detects most valuable metal objects. If a signal does not
repeat after you sweep the search coil over the target a few times, the target is probably junk metal.
False signals can be caused by trashy ground, electrical interference or large irregular pieces of junk metal.
False signals are usually broken or non-repeatable.
Fine-tuning the detector
When you become familiar with how your detector works, fine-tune it to make it more selective in what it
1) Adjusting SENSITIVITY [S]
To adjust the search coil's ability to detect objects at different depths in the soil, rotate SENSITIVITY
between MIN and MAX. For maximum detection depth, leave SENSITIVITY set as high as possible. If
the detector makes a "chattering" noise, decrease SENSITIVITY until the "chatter" stops.
2) Adjusting GROUND [T]
Setting GROUND takes a little time, but is critical for accurate operation. GROUND tunes out false
signals from mineralised soil.
1. Set MODE to VLF and lower the search coil to 1/2 to 2 inches (1 to 4 cm) above the ground.
2. If the pointer swings to the right, turn GROUND to the left. If the pointer swings to the left, turn
GROUND to the right.
3. Raise the search coil about 1 foot (30 cm) from the ground and press the red button on the handle.
The pointer returns to the centre.
4. Repeat Steps 1-3 until the pointer stays close to the centre each time you lower the search coil to
the ground.
After you set GROUND, the detector is set for the soil type of that particular site. Do not reset it until
you use the detector at a different site.
Discrimination is the detector's ability to differentiate between types of metal. The detector's
DISCRIMINATION setting determines whether the detector will distinguish between different types of
ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
If MODE is set to TR2, start with DISCRIMINATION set to mid-range. While you use the detector, adjust
DISCRIMINATION to the best position. As you set DISCRIMINATION higher, the detector becomes more
sensitive to the differences between large aluminium and gold pieces, for example, but some small
valuable pieces, such as coins and small rings, might be overlooked. As you set DISCRIMINATION to
higher levels, the detector first does not detect small pieces of silver paper, then thick foil, and finally
metal objects like pull tabs from aluminium cans.
Each time you use the detector in a different area, you must adjust DISCRIMINATION. Each
search location presents new challenges.
False signals
Because your detector is extremely sensitive, trash-induced signals and other sources of interference might
cause signals that seem confusing. The key to handling these types of signals is to dig for only those targets
that emit a strong, repeatable signal. As you sweep the search coil back and forth over the ground, learn to
recognise the difference between signals that occur at random and signals that are stable and repeatable.
To reduce false signals when searching very trashy ground, only scan a small area at a time using slow, short
overlapping sweeps.
Detection hints
No detector is 100 percent accurate. Various conditions influence metal detection. The detector's reaction
depends on a number of things:
The angle at which the object rests in the ground.
The depth of the object.
The amount of iron in the object.
The size of the object.