V . 01 – 04 /02 /2015
©V elleman nv
When the Wifi c onnec tion is established and the E thernet c able
unplugged, the C A MIP21 c amera will reboot . Reconnection will take
s everal minutes. P lease relaunch the app when the green s ignal lights.
I f your C A MIP21 c amera fails to c onnect to the router, pleas e hold the
res et button on the c amera pres sed for 5 s ec onds to res et the s ystem.
Sensitivity Settings
Detection Mode
P I R: hardware-based biomass detection
SO FTWARE: advance software analysis to enhance P IR accuracy
Motion Detection (only when SOFTWARE detection mode is enabled)
P lease s et the s ensitivity level for the motion detec tion ac cording to your needs :
H I GH: s uitable for detecting s maller objects within 5 to 6 meters
LO W: s uitable for detec ting larger objects within 3 to 5 meters
E-Mail Settings
T he e-mail s ettings allow the c onfiguration of the e -mail environment, e-mail account and pas sword. A
gmail ac c ount is s uggested.
Gmail Settings (suggested)
SM T P s erver
s om
E nter the gmail SM TP server
SM T P port
4 6 5
E nter the SM TP port 4 65
U s er name
E nter your e-mail address
P as s word
E nter the pas s word for this gmail ac count
E -mail to
E nter the rec ipient’s e-mail address
SD Card Settings
Formatting the SD c ard will eras e all data s tored on the c ard. Be very c areful : onc e erased, data c annot
be retrieved! For s ecurity reasons, please make a bac k -up of your files before formatting the SD c ard.
We rec ommend us ing a C lass 1 0 memory c ard for bes t res ults. A
memory c ard with lower s pec ifications will dec rease rec ording and
playbac k efficiency.
During formatting, all rec ording and viewing will s top until the
formatting proc ess is c ompleted.
We rec ommend formatting your memory c ard from time to time to
ens ure bes t res ults.
Overwriting the SD Card
T his func tion will overwrite the oldest rec orded files when the memory c ard is full.
MicroSD Card Storage Capacity
microSD card
HD/better image
better streaming
4 GB
1 5 0 events
1 8 0 events
8 GB
3 0 0 events
3 6 0 events
1 6 GB
6 0 0 events
7 2 0 events
3 2 GB
1 2 0 0 events
1 4 4 0 events