1. Introduction
1. What the Voice Dialler does
The Voice Dialler can store up to 6 telephone numbers and record and
play back emergency messages. With a total message capacity of 20
seconds, the choice is yours whether you store 1, 2 or 3 different
messages of variable length for different situations i.e. fire, burglar or
panic / emergency. During an emergency, the Voice Dialler will dial the
programmed telephone numbers in sequence until two calls have been
answered. It will play the appropriate recorded message to summon help
depending on the type of signal the Main Unit receives from its detectors.
The telephone numbers and the messages are all stored in EEPROM so
that no data is lost once programmed.
Types of alarm detected :
from Smoke or Gas detectors
from Door Switch, PIR Detector or Broken
Glass Detectors.
Panic / Emergency
from Panic or Silent Panic buttons or Hand
Held Controller or Emergency Pendant.
2. Model
The Wireless Voice Dialler is designed to be used with our wireless
home alarm systems. It can accept alarm signals from two sources :
Radio signal from the Main Unit.
Alarm signals from detectors attached to the unit itself.