2 Product description
VEGASON 62 • Foundation Fieldbus
2 Product description
2.1 Configuration
The type label contains the serial number of the instrument. With it
you can find the following instrument data on our homepage:
Instrument type
Article and serial number device
Article number documentation
Technical data: Approvals, process seal/process temperature,
signal output, voltage supply, protection, protection class
Data matrix code for VEGA Tools app
SIL identification (with SIL rating ex works)
Move to " www.vega.com
" and enter in the search field the serial
number of your instrument.
Alternatively, you can access the data via your smartphone:
Download the VEGA Tools app from the "
Apple App Store
" or the
Google Play Store
Scan the DataMatrix code on the type label of the instrument or
Enter the serial number manually in the app
Type label
Serial number