7 Set up with the integrated display and adjustment unit
VEGAMET 342 • 4 … 20 mA
Additional modes such as "
Pump control
", "
Switching window
", "
" and "
" can be only set via PACTware/DTM or the
VEGA Tools app.
In the menu item "
Reference value
" it is defined which measured
value serves as input signal for the relay (percentage/lin.-percent/
Enter the values for switching the relay on and off under Enter the
values for switching the relay on and off under "
Switching point
The menu item "
Behaviour in case of failure
" defines how the relay
behaves if the assigned measuring point is disturbed. Here it can be
selected whether the switching state of the relay remains unchanged
or whether the relay is switched off in the event of a failure.
The current output is used to transfer the measured value to a super-
ordinate system, e.g. a PLC, a process control system or a measured
value indication. This is an active output, i.e. the current is provided
actively. The processing must hence have a passive current input. If
the current output is not used, it can be deactivated in the first menu
The characteristics of the current output can be set to 0 … 20 mA,
4 … 20 mA or inverted. The reaction in case of failure can also be
adapted to the requirements. The reference value you refer to can
also be selected.
7.4.2 Indication
The indication can display up to three different, user-configurable
measured values simultaneously. In addition, up to three different
measured value indications can be configured, which can be selected
using the arrow keys. Alternatively, the display of the measured value
indications can also be changed automatically at intervals of approx.
3 seconds.
In the menu item "
Display - Number of measured value indications
you can configure how many measured value indications are to be
The content of the measured value indication is configured in the
menu item "
Display - Measured value indication
". Up to 3 differ-
ent measured values can be displayed in one indication. For each
measured value it is also possible to configure which display value
(percent, scaled, sensor value, …) is displayed. In addition, the dis-
play format (number of decimal positions) can also be configured. In
addition, a bar graph can be displayed parallel to the measured value
(only available when displaying a single measured value).
In the menu item "
Display - Options - Brightness
" the brightness of
the background lighting can be adjusted.
In the menu item "
Display - Options - Contrast
" the contrast of the
display can be adjusted.
Outputs - Current output
Number of measured
value indications
Measured value indica-
tion 1 … 3
Options - Brightness
Options - Contrast