G.Fast Mode lists the following key G.fast measurements:
Net Data Rate (kbps):
Current achieved data rate
Expected Throughput Rate (kbps):
The rate available in Showtime assuming full protection against an impulse noise
Aggregate Rate:
The sum of Downstream and Upstream rates
SNR Margin (dB):
Maximum dB increase in equalized noise or maximum dB decrease in equalized signal that a system
can tolerate and maintain a BER of 1E-7
Start (ST) and duration time (ET), DSL synchronization status, ADSLx/VDSLx mode and profile, and estimated length are
displayed in a separate table.
DSL Modem Status
The DSL Modem Status icon indicates whether Showtime is in effect
No Showtime
Showtime status achieved
6.2 Errors
Errors tab
MTTplus-523_e-manual, D07-00-117P RevA00