4.0.2 Applications
The MPX enters the centralized systems test market
Deployment of MPXs in a centralized location and distributed across the telco/service provider network
Reduction of truck rolls, 24/7/365 network monitoring and on-demand testing
Low cost Ethernet probe
Interoperability with field test equipment (MX100/MX120)
4.0.3 Usage
The MPX can be used in several configurations that all add value to a new or existing customers
MPX as a centralized Responder unit for the MX100 and MX120s used in the field
As a set of dedicated probes where our ReVeal MPX software controls the units and allows scheduled or live testing
4.0.4 Application
MPX as a centralized or distributed responder unit for the MX100 and MX120s used in the field.
MPX100 e-Manual D07-00-022 Rev A00
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