DIM Descriptions
Mechanical Dispenser Interface Module (MDIM) & Low Voltage Dispenser Interface
Module (LVDIM)
The mechanical dispenser interface modules enable the TLS console to monitor either high voltage (MDIM), or
low voltage (LVDIM) volume pulses and calculate dispensed volume.
MDIM and LVDIM terminal connections are on the front of the modules’s bracket.
Electronic Dispenser Interface Module (EDIM)
Installs in a communication slot of TLS-350R or TLS-450/TLS-450PLUS. EDIMs are used to communicate via
RS-232 to point of sale or system controllers.
More than one EDIM can be installed in any combination with other DIM types.
EDIMs have one 25-pin D connector (TLS-350R), or one 9-pin D connector (TLS-450/TLS-450PLUS) outside
of the port.
TLS-350R EDIMs only - when onboard red LED is turned On, EDIM is transmitting to external device; when
onboard green LED is turned On, external device is transmitting to EDIM.
TLS-450 and TLS-450PLUS hardware is standard equipment.
TLS-450 requires BIR to activate DIM.
Current Loop Dispenser Interface Module (CDIM)
TLS-350R console - Installs in comm slots 1, 2, or 3; TLS-450 console - installs in comm slots 1, 2, or 4
(preferred); TLS-450PLUS console - installs in comm slots 1 or 2. Factory installed in TLS4 console.
TLS-450 and TLS-450PLUS require module kit P/N 330020-665.
Various CDIM monitoring applications include current loop, RS-232, and RS-422.
More than one CDIM can be installed in combination with other DIM types.
CDIMs have three RJ-45 modular connectors (TLS-350R) or 2 to 3 RJ-45 modular connectors (TLS-450/TLS-
CDIMs cannot transmit to external device.
Connects via 4-wire cable to cable adapter box. Adapter box converts target communication format to RS-422
format for CDIM. Adapter boxes are configured with 2-wire flying leads, 25-pin D or 9-Pin D, T-cable connectors
for various applications.
TLS-450 requires BIR to activate DIM.
LAN Dispenser Interface Module (LDIM) - TLS-350R only
Installs in a communication port of TLS-350R to communicate with or monitor POSs, dispensers or system
controllers using RS-485 communication standard.
An LDIM can be installed in combination with other DIM types.
LDIMs have a 5-wire phoenix connector.
Red and green LEDs are on this board. When red LED is turned On, LDIM is transmitting to external device;
when green LED is turned On, external device is transmitting to LDIM.
Can be used in 4-wire or 2-wire, RS-485 and RS-422 applications.
- DIP switch default in OPEN position, loopback jumper on LED side for RUN mode
- R1 - 331076-001 - RS-485 two wire