Head, Probe and Sample Preparation
Initial Preparation for Contact AFM Imaging
Rev. B
MultiMode SPM Instruction Manual
5.1.3 Load Probe in Tipholder
Contact Mode
: Install a silicon nitride probe tip in the AFM tipholder.
shows the AFM tipholder. Detailed procedures for silicon nitride cantilever substrate
preparation are given in
, including a description of the procedure to break out
substrates from the wafer. Ensure the gold-plated side of the substrate is placed down
towards the substrate mount, with the nitride
lm side attached to the cantilever oriented
up away from the substrate mount.
: The procedure for single crystal silicon probe tips is essentially the
same as for contact AFM (see above paragraph). The substrate should be face-up, with
the probe’s cantilever pointing away from the AFM tipholder. This ensures that the
cantilever and tip are facing toward the sample once the tipholder is mounted in the
head. Refer to
for a description of the procedure to break out each substrate
from the wafer.
Figure 5.1e
Silicon Nitride Probe Tip Installation
Apply gentle downward
pressure to lift spring clip.
Handle probes with tweezers.
Locate probe flush against
inside edges of groove.
Spring clip
(Underside of AFM Tipholder)