TLC3-FCR-2T Engineering Manual
Doc: 70-00-0202, V3.0 Date: 20121119
© Vector Controls GmbH, Switzerland
Page 8
Subject to alteration
Control configuration
Identifying the firmware version
The parameters and functionality of controller depend on its firmware revision. It is therefore important to use a
matching product version and parameter set. The firmware version is shown on the large LCD digits when pressing UP
and DOWN buttons for more than 3 seconds simultaneously.
Control Parameters (Access code: 241)
Warning! Only experts should change these settings! See user parameters for login procedure.
FC 00
Minimum setpoint limit in Heating mode
-40…60°C (160°F)
16°C (61°F)
FC 01
Maximum setpoint limit in Heating mode
-40…60°C (160°F)
24°C (75°F)
FC 02
Minimum setpoint limit in Cooling mode
-40…60°C (160°F)
18°C (64°F)
FC 03
Maximum setpoint limit in Cooling mode
-40…60°C (160°F)
30°C (86°F)
Controls configuration
FC 04
Economy (unoccupied) Mode temperature shift:
The comfort (occupied) setpoint is shifted by the value
set with parameter. If heating is active the comfort
setpoint will be decreased, if cooling is active, the
setpoint will be increased. (Enable with UP06.)
0…10.0°C (20.0°F)
5.0°C (10°F)
FC 05
Switching Span Heating,
Setting this value to 0 disables the auto fan speed
function in heating mode
0…10.0°C (20.0°F)
1.5°C (3°F)
FC 06
Switching Span Cooling
Setting this value to 0 disables the auto fan speed
function in cooling mode
0…10.0°C (20.0°F)
1.0°C (2°F)
FC 07
Switching Hysteresis is the difference between switching
on and switching off. A small hysteresis will increase the
number of switching cycles and thus the wear on fan and
relays contacts.
0…10.0°C (20.0°F)
0.5°C (1°F)
FC 08
Mold Protection:
In mold protection, the fan keeps running independent of
temperature as long as the unit is switched on.
FC 09
Switching delay min running time of fan speed
FC 10
Switching delay min stopping time of fan speed
FC 11
Control option:
0 = Cooling only
1 = Heating only
2 = 2-pipe system
3 = 4-pipe system
Default = 3
W01 = 0
W02 = 1
W03 = 2
W04 = 3
FC 12
Dead Zone Span:
The Dead Zone Span lies between the heating and the
cooling setpoint. The output is off while the temperature
is within the dead zone span. A negative dead zone is not
0…10.0°C (20.0°F)
1.0°C (2°F)
FC 13
Heat/Cool Changeover Delay (if set to FC11 = 3):
A demand to switch between heating and cooling must
persist for the length of time set with this parameter
before the controller switches. Prevents activation of a
sequence during a short-term change in temperature in
order to protect equipment (with control overshoot for
0…255 min
5 min