Appendix C
APPENDIX C : RAID Installation Guide
C.1 SATA Mode for RAID
Please select SATA device to RAID mode on BIOS menu.
Advanced → SATA Configuration → SATA Mode Selection
C.2 OS Installation
IVH-9000 is featured with eight SATA, including six internal SATA, 1 mSata, and
1 CFast.
You can select one of the SATA ports for OS installation.
We use CFast card for Windows 10 OS installation as an example.
C.3 To Install All Device Drivers of IVH-9000 System
The instructions are as follows:
1. To install Chipset driver
2. To install Network driver
3. To install ME driver (if available)
4. To install Audio driver
5. To install VGA driver