Manual MC3-EGA
Documentnr.: 180413
version 1.0
Page 9 of 12
Hardware settings
Configuring Modbus access
External access by Modbus can be configured using settings on a web page. To view the web
page the computer has to be connected with an Ethernet cable to a network switch. Use a web
browser to connect to the MC3-EGA by entering
in the address bar
of the browser. The default address of the controller is
To define who can access what on the controller the administrative user/password combination
has to be entered after pressing the Modbus button.
The default settings are that the VASP server and the controlling touch panel have full access to
the system.
For each ip address the level of access is defined; as is the number of sub nodes that can be
queried. The priority is used to define how many messages per minute are allowed. When a
client exceeds this amount replies are delayed until the level returns to the desired level. Short
bursts of higher throughput are allowed. Using the Modbus profiles page different levels of
access can be defined. This is left to be described in a different manual.