User manual
Document Nr. : 080631
Version : V1.0
MC 785 KLIMA 0-100
Client : General
Page : 5 of 16
Functional specifications
The MC 785 KLIMA has the following control functions: cooling, heating, dehumidifying and
humidifying. Further more the controller has an alarm relay, which is activated when the alarm levels
are exceeded or a sensor is broken.
The MC 785 KLIMA has two analog outputs with a range of 0/+10Vdc, these are controlled by three
With Out-1 is controlled by Control-1 and Out-2 is controlled by the highest value of Control-2 and
The functions of these controllers are programmable as measuring signal, set point signal or a P(I)
control for the cooling, heating, humidifying or dehumidifying.
The controller has two digital input contacts.
The first contact is used as day/night input and the second contact is used as external alarm.
The selection of the above mentioned settings is done via the Internal Parameters.