VCom Inc.
BST1918 Manual; ml_bst1918_02 (Sept 2005)
Approved: C.H.
5.3 Repair Charges and Warranty Exemptions
Items returned beyond the warranty period or items that do not qualify for warranty service are subject to
additional out-of-warranty repair charges. Descriptions of these charges and warranty exemptions are below:
1) Repair turnaround time is typically 5-14 business days after receipt of the item at VCom. A Flat Rate
Repair Charge
will apply to all out-of-warranty items. Flat Rate Repair Charges are subject to change without notice.
2) Any faults due to customer error (i.e. - incorrect set-up or configuration settings) are subject to the
Test Fee and will be exempt from warranty.
3) Items returned with inadequate fault descriptions are subject to the current Test Fee and are
exempt from warranty.
4) In the event that no fault is found, the item is subject to the current Test Fee and will be
exempt from warranty.
5) Any product exhibiting external damage (either from shipping, improper handling or use) will be subject
to inspection.
If said damages are determined to be the cause of failure, the item will be exempt from warranty.
All repairs to correct the external damage are subject to Time & Materials Charges (parts and labor at
current rates).
6) Items with damage caused by unauthorized repairs or by external devices are subject to current out-of-
Flat Rate Repair Charges and are exempt from warranty.
7) All products returned for Factory Optioning are subject to the applicable current Option Charge plus Test
Factory-optioned products carry the balance of the original warranty or a 90 day warranty, whichever is
All out-of-warranty repairs must be approved by the customer in writing. No repairs will be made until the
customer’s Purchase Order or Out-Of-Warranty Repair Authorization is received.