Place a tent peg in the resulting point at the back
Likewise place the two link buttons in the middle on top of each other
Take the front of a telescopic pole (or tarpaulin pole or branch or
similar) and insert it under the reinforced area of the central installation
. Tension the pole by slowing lengthening it until it is the appro-
priate length (the correct height is 105cm) Now pull the tarpaulin taught
by anchoring the two front corners
Anchor the guy ropes from the highest point of the tent towards the front
(have loops available)
aSSEmblY - TarpaUlin EXTEnSion To a TEnT (ii):
Erect the tent.
Lay out the tarpaulin in the desired orientation: the broad side forms the
tent entrance for larger tents, use the shorter side for smaller tents.
Throw the tarpaulin over the tent and either secure to the middle of the
tent or anchor by means of guy ropes stretching out from the tent.
At the tent entrance pull the tarpaulin out taut (it may at this point be
necessary to extend the corners outwards using guy ropes).
At the front insert a telescopic pole into the middle. Stretch this forwards
and pull the corners outwards using guy ropes.
TakE Down – gEnEral inSTrUCTionS:
Remove everything from the tent’s interior.
• Freestanding tents can be gently shaken out to remove leaves, sand, and
other debris.
• Turn the tent over with floor facing upward and allow it to dry a bit longer.
• If it’s not possible to dry the tent completely before packing it, this should
be done within 12 hours to prevent the risk of mold and mildew growth.
• As in the tent set up, never pull the poles out of the pole sleeves; rather
push them through.
• When storing a tent in its stuff sack, make sure that stakes and poles don’t
press against the tent fabric and damage it.
• Before taking down your tent, close all zips and roll up the guy lines. That
way you won’t have to untangle them when it comes time to set the tent
up again, and pitching is that much easier.
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08.08.2011 12:01:10