Series 642
Edition 2017-11-24
Gain factor adjustment
The gain factor effects: Stability, Response time
Default value is 1. Adjustment range is from 0.0001 to 7.5.
Higher gain results in:
faster response
higher over- / undershoot of pressure
Lower gain results in:
slower response
lower over- / undershoot of pressure
Adjustment procedure:
1. Start with gain factor 1.0
2. Open valve.
3. Control a typical pressure / flow situation.
4. Repeat from step 2 with lower (higher) gain factors until optimal pressure response is achieved and
stability is ok.
Normally adjustments down to gain factors of 0.42 should lead to good results.
Otherwise you may need to improve sensor connection. Refer to «Requirements to
sensor connection».
Local operation:
(‘Control View’, ‘Control Performance Analyzer’
or ‘Service Box 2‘)
Remote operation:
Set gain factor in menu ‘Setup / Control
It’s not possible to do ‘Gain factor adjustment‘ via
remote operation.