Wheel Lock Housing Level Check
The following instructions will help determine if shimming the Wheel Lock Housings
(WLH) is needed. A slight variation in level between housings is acceptable. See
FIG A for allowable limits.
Checking Level Between Wheel Lock Housings (WLH)
1) Rotate the Rotor Arm until it is engaged in the detent roller.
2) Select one rotor arm to begin checking level. Position a lev-
el across the top of the side bearings. Note the bubble loca-
tion within the Level Site Window.
3) Rotate the next Rotor Arm to the same position. Do Not
move to next arm, stay in one position for all readings.
4) If all the reading are within limits shown in FIG A, no shim-
ming is needed.
If the bubble is beyond limits shown on any one or all
WLH’s identify that one with a piece of tape.
See below for shimming procedure.
Wheel Lock Housing
Level Site Window
Rotor Arm
Detent Roller
Side Bearings
Shimming a Wheel Lock Housing
1) Identify the most level housing, leave that one tight.
2) On the WLH to shim, use a 9/16” wrench and loosen all
four mounting screws.
3) Slide a shim between the Rotor Arm and the Wheel Lock
Housing on the low side.
4) Gently push the housing toward the center of the press
while retighten the four mounting screws.
5) Recheck all Wheel Lock Housing to ensure the are all with-
in approx. 1/2 of bubble level.
(4) Mounting Screws
(2 each side)
Push When Retighting
Site Window Maximum Allowable Limits
(maximum allowable difference between all Wheel Lock Housings)
Fig A
Doc #:01-08-046