3. M
Mechanics Tests (Tests 1 Through 15)
The mechanics tests are composed of tests for the pan and tilt mechanisms
and all bulkheads in the luminaire head. The mechanics oscillate at a speed
selectable by the test parameter. While the oscillations are running,
software checks the operation of position encoders (pan/tilt) or sensors
where they exist. All mechanics tests can be used in the program mode
(Test 30) to have user-programmable, multiple mechanics, operation.
Pan/Tilt Tests (Tests 1 and 2)
Detectable errors for pan/tilt assemblies are as follows:
Static encoder count + (result = encoder value).
Unsequential bit count + (result = expected encoder value, actual
encoder value). This error could indicate bits are tied high/low. (An
error detected in pan/tilt mechanisms will halt that test.)
Bulkhead Tests (Tests 3 Through 11)
Detectable errors for the bulkhead are as follows:
Sensor hits too early.
Backlash too small.
Backlash too large + (result = backlash value).
Sensor hit too late (sensor not hit within an additional 40 steps driven
Error stuck low.
Note: Two errors must be detected in a bulkhead before test halts.
Simultaneous Tests (Tests 12 and 13)
Test 12 runs all mechanics tests in phase with each other (synchronized)
and Test 13 allows them to free-run independently of each other
(unsynchronized). The parameter setting controls the overall speed in each
case. Error codes are displayed as they occur.
PSU Test (Test 15)
The PSU test is used to operate the power supply and monitor the status
lines. Once the lamp is powered up, you can exit the test without dousing
the lamp. Errors will still be indicated for APS power supply while other
tests run. On returning to this test, control can be resumed. The lamp will
remain powered up unless a fault is detected. The parameter setting for
this test drives the control lines of the APS power supply as shown in the
summary table. All settings in this test will remain latched even when
another test is selected. The resulting error codes are a combination of an