©2021 Cascade Designs, Inc. #34-284
been punctured, immediately contact the company that provided you with the cushion, or contact VARILITE customer service for instructions
on how to repair your cushion.
• VARILITE cushions and covers always shall be used together. The cushion cover is an essential part of the seating system for optimal
performance. Using the cushion without its cover increases the risk of flammability. When the cushion and cover are used together, all
VARILITE seating systems have met the flammability requirements of ISO 8191-1 and ISO 7176-16. The Evolution, Meridian, and Zoid
additionally meet the requirements of BS EN 1021-1 and BS EN 1021-2.
• If your wheelchair is equipped with a fabric upholstered seating surface, ensure that it is adjusted properly to prevent hammocking and
unintended postural effects.
Adjustable Seating System
Instruction Manual
Product Detail and Specifications
If you received an Evolution, Solo, or Stratus cushion, it is possible to remove the cushion from the cover and flip the
valve location side to side. Zoid cushions are directional and cannot be flipped.
Materials used in the construction of VARILITE seating systems:
VARILITE does not use latex or phthalates anywhere in
the construction of our products.
Remove the cushion from the packaging and open the valve by turning it counter-clockwise, allowing the cushion to fully
inflate. You should not be sitting on the cushion at this time.
Close the valve by turning it clockwise.
Adjusting air level in a cushion equipped with a PSV™ (Pressure Sensing Valve):
Begin with the cushion on the wheelchair, fully inflated with the valve closed.
Transfer onto the cushion.
Open the valve by turning it counterclockwise until the pre-determined position number (“1”, “2”, or “3”) appears in
the indicator window.
Unless otherwise indicated by your clinician, use position “2”.
Air will escape until the valve
automatically shuts off (approximately 10-15 seconds).
Fig. A
Once the valve has shut off the release of air, close the valve by turning it clockwise. This prevents additional release
of air due to weight shifts, transfers, propulsion, etc.
The PSV is located on the right side of VARILITE cushions. For operation from the left side, remove the cushion from the
cover and rotate the PSV 180°. To prevent damage to the valve body, use a 1/2 in. open-end wrench, open the valve all
the way, and place the wrench on the flat shoulders at the base of the valve body.
Fig. B
Adjusting air level in a cushion equipped with a standard valve:
Begin with the cushion on the wheelchair, fully inflated with the valve closed.
Transfer onto the cushion.
Turn the valve counterclockwise to open the valve and release air. You want to sink down about 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to
5 cm).
Fig. C
Close the valve when the proper level of immersion is reached. Generally, this is indicated by ½ to 1 inch (1.3 to
2.5 cm) of air and foam between the ischial tuberosities and the seating surface. Always follow your clinician’s
recommendations for proper cushion adjustment.
If you suspect your cushion is not holding air, immediately stop using your product and consult your healthcare professional.
For additional assistance, please contact VARILITE customer service.
How to determine the location of a leak (dunk test):
Remove the cover and inflate the cushion. Close the valve completely by turning it clockwise.
Fill a large sink or tub with several inches of water
Submerge cushion in the sink or tub of water.
If the cushion is punctured, you should see small air bubbles coming from the location of the puncture.
Fig. D
If you see bubbles coming out of the cushion, contact the company that provided your product or VARILITE customer
service or your healthcare professional.
The cushion is
uncomfortable or unstable
Follow the instructions found in the owner’s manual on cushion setup and operation.
Ensure the components of your cushion are properly installed and oriented in the cover,
and that the cushion is oriented correctly on the seating surface (see diagram in owner’s
manual for orientation instructions). If the cushion is still uncomfortable or unstable,
consult your health care provider.
The cushion slides around
on my wheelchair
Make sure the non-skid surface is facing down, and that your seating system is oriented
correctly. For additional retention, you can use the hook and loop fasteners included on
the bottom panel of your cushion cover to fasten your cushion to the seating surface.
Fig. A
Fig. B
Fig. D
Fig. C