User Manual: UM50589-EN
Optica 20 series
Revision: 4.0
Date of release: 2019-01-23
Device description
Intended use
The device is intended to be used in medical diagnostic applications with restrictions to human
diagnostics. The device is intended to be used as accessory of an X-ray system in a professional
healthcare facility environment. The device is intended to restrict the dimensions of a diagnostic X-ray
field by limiting the primary X-ray beam. The limitations of use are specified in §7. The device is not
intended to be used in fluoroscopy applications; near active HF Surgical Equipment or in the RF
shielded room of a system for magnetic resonance imaging, where the intensity of Electromagnetic
Disturbances is high.
Use, other than above, is identified as abnormal use.
The intended user of the device is defined as the operator of an X-ray system. The operator shall be
qualified and/or trained to operate the X-ray system.
Description of the device
The Varex Imaging Nederland B.V. Optica 20 series collimators are devices which are used to limit the
size of the direct X-ray exposure to the patient and for reducing the scattered radiation.
The Optica 20 series contains a LED for indication of the actual field to be exposed and optional has a
laser line for alignment with the Bucky. For measuring the SID, a measuring tape is integrated.
Additionally, a filter module can be integrated for extra filtering of the X-ray beam (see §1.8).
Principle of operation
The Optica 20 series is a component which is integrated in a regular X-ray system that is used for
RAD diagnostic purposes. The collimator is mounted directly onto the X-ray tube housing, against the
exit window in the direct X-ray beam.
The main purpose of the collimator is to limit the size of the direct X-ray exposure to the patient and to
reduce the scattered radiation. Limiting the size of the direct X-ray beam means that the patient is only
exposed to X-rays in the diagnostic area and thus receives a minimal radiation dose. Limiting the size
of the X-ray beam is achieved by moving X-ray blocking shutters in and out of the X-ray beam.
The dimension of the X-ray field is visualized with a corresponding light field. The result is an X-ray
image created by the Image Receptor.
Overview of the device
Optica 20 with Bucky line laser
Optica 20 with filter module and Bucky line