Hardware installation
There are several blocks and lines you need to install on your new
hull the first time you rig it. All lines have been precut. Vanguard
Sailboats encourages you to customize line lengths for your sailing
style, but be sure to cut and burn all ends to prevent fraying.
Cunningham and Outhaul Hardware
Install the cleat base and block base. Locate the plastic cleat base and
stainless block base. Fasten them to the deck using the fasteners pro-
vided in the predrilled holes behind the mast step. The block base is
installed closest to the mast step.
Locate the traveler line and small traveler block. Run the traveler line
through one eye, through the block and through the other eye. Now
bring the end back to itself and tie a bowline. You are tying a bow-
line with the two eyes and block in the loop. Lead the long tail
through the cleat and tie a stopper knot.
Mainsheet blocks
Slide the spring over the shackle on the mainsheet ratchet block
and attach it to the eyestrap at the forward end of the hiking strap.
To compress the spring, push it down with the block while lining up
the pin. Once it is installed, secure it with the ring.
Lay the boom on the deck so that the block closest to the end of
the boom is even with the traveler eye straps and the other end
points toward the bow. Locate the large traveler block and clip it to
the smaller block (already on the traveler line) by turning one per-
pendicular to the other and sliding the slots together. These fittings
are called brummel hooks. Tape the two traveler blocks together so
they stand up as a unit, to prevent the mainsheet from jamming
around the lower block.
Thread the mainsheet through the ratchet block AGAINST the ratchet,
through the forward block on the boom leading aft, through the
eyestrap, to the block on the end of the boom, and down to the larg-
er traveler block. Lead it through the traveler block from aft to for-
ward, then tie it off to the becket on the block on the end of the
boom with a stopper knot that doesn’t interfere with the flow of the
Shockcord: Untie the small knot in one end, remove the small metal
hook (called a brummel hook), and pass the end of the shockcord
through the small hole in the top of the board. Rethread the brummel
hook and retie the knot in the shockcord. You can leave the shockcord
and stoppers on the board permanently. Set the board aside till launch.
w w w . t e a m v a n g u a r d . c o m