Note: Use the direct UTP cable to connect with PC, or use cross cable to connect to the Ethernet switcher
A.When NETCTL run on PC at the first time, it will create a file ‘NETCTL.TXT’. This file is for device
information’s backup. These information include MAC address of the 8x8 Matrix, IP address, device name etc.
Double click NETCTL.exe to run NETCTL. It will search the device. If the device is a new one, NETCTL will list
it‘s IP address. If IP address appears please click the Read Device button, NETCTL will change the IP address
to device name.
If you want to change the device name, right-click the device name, a pull down menu will be displayed. Click
the item ‘Rename’ to rename it’s name.
B. Double click the device name, or click right button and click the ‘open’. A web browser will be shown. The
default password is "0000000000", input the password and login. The device controller page will be displayed.
You can also get the IP address of the 8x8 Matrix from the Touch Panel, touch the Info Button of the Main
Menu, IP address will display at the IP column. Open a web browser and enter this IP address, the device
controller page will be displayed.