IP0120/IP0121 User Manual
the “FullRRQ” to “Yes”.
Notice: The IP0121 can pass the NAT/router devices if the gatekeeper supporst
this function. The IP Phone will automatically detect if the gatekeeper support this
and do the proper control to work under this NAT environment.
Registration to a proxy server (IP0120)
When the VoIP vendor/operator is running the SIP system, use the IP0120
to register to the proxy server. Configure the following parameters to do the
Number – please input the phone number (username) to register to the proxy
Password – please input the password to register to the proxy server.
This password is carried in the SIP Proxy-Authorization field using
MD5 digest method for authentication purpose. Not every proxy server
needs this field, if not needed, keep it empty.
IP0120 follows the standard RFC-2617 to do the authentication.
Login ID – please input the username for registration authorization.
When the IP Phone is doing Registration to the proxy server, the
Authorization field will have the username=”xxxxx” field, if the “Login ID”
entry is empty, the username will use the “Number” input value, but when
the “Login ID” field has some value, the username will use this “Login ID”
value for authorization.
(Yes / No) Proxy On – please select Yes and register to the proxy server.
After this item is enabled, two more menu items will appear. One is
proxy server address, to set the IP address or domain name address of the
proxy server. Another is the proxy server port, to set the port of the proxy
server, its value is usually 5060 unless specified by the service vendor.