Version 22.03
Service moment
15-30 minutes
Among them:
Check tyres and inflate
Check the spoke tension
Check the chain tension and grease
Tighten any bolts and nuts if needed
Check all brake cables and brake calipers
Check the gears
Check and grease all rotating parts
Check all lights
Clean the bike
Service moment
30-90 minutes
Among them: All points from service moment 1, and:
Inspection of the pedals and bottom bracket
Grease and tighten the lock
Grease and tighten the steering stem
Check the steering ball joints
Run all tests in the dealer tool (E-Bike)
Service moment
60-120 minutes
Among them: All points from service moment 1, 2, and:
Inspection of the paintwork
Inspection of the frame/front fork
Inspection of the seat cushions
Inspect the functioning and sound of the motor/gear hub
check reflectors for any damage
Check all electric components on their placement (E-Bike)
Run all tests in the dealer tool (E-Bike)