User Manual | Chat 19.06
Form service, maintenance, modifications and warranty claims
To maintain warranty on the Van Raam tricycle, follow this service schedule.
Carried out (date):
Signature dealer:
Service after the first 200 KM or two
Service 1 year after delivery.
Service 2 year after delivery.
Service 3 year after delivery.
Service 4 year after delivery.
Service 5 year after delivery.
Even after five years, we advise you to give your bike annual service. Passing by the
service after five years will have no further effect on warranty claim because it expires for
certain parts after five years.
Modifications to the bike
The following items are changed to the bike:
Carried out:
Please note that if changes are made by a non-authorized Van Raam dealer or no
original Van Raam parts or options are used, warranty may void.