User Manual | Chat 19.06
Seat cushion
The seat cushion is water resistant. Remove the
cushion from the bike when you park the bike and
leave it unattended.
Before every ride check:
The brakes (including the parking brake)
The tyre pressure
The lighting
That all parts are secure
That the battery is sufficiently charged
Contact your dealer and never use your bike if you notice any irregularities.
As is the case with all mechanical parts, the tricycle is subject to wear and high loads. If a
component fails, this may lead to very dangerous situations and damage or injury to the
tricycle or user. Any form of cracks, scratches or change of colour in heavily loaded parts of
a component is an indication that the part must be replaced.
Points of attention while cycling
Once you've set up the bike on the basis of the rider and passenger's size you can start
using the bike.
Your bike is a tricycle. The experience of riding a tricycle is completely
different from riding a bicycle with two wheels!
Practice, in particular, with bends and braking, because a tricycle can react contrary to
what you would expect. It may happen that the back wheel comes off the ground on the
inside when going round a bend. To avoid this, the rider leans towards the inside of the
bend with his body.