© 2016 Van Os Medical B.V.
Koperslagerij 3 | 4651 SK Steenbergen | The Netherlands | T: +31 (0)167-573020 | E: [email protected] | W:
© 2016 Van Os Medical B.V.
Koperslagerij 3 | 4651 SK Steenbergen | The Netherlands | T: +31 (0)167-573020 | E: [email protected] | W:
User manual
| Solax Go! and Solax Deluxe
User manual
| Solax Go! and Solax Deluxe
1. Production date
The date of manufacture.
2. Serial number
Every scooter has its own unique serial number. You need this number if you have any technical questions or if you
want to order any warranty parts for the scooter.
3. Maximum weight
The maximum weight allowed on the scooter.
4. Model number
This number indicates which model of scooter you have. You need this number when you have any technical
questions or you want to order any parts of the scooter.
5. Model name
The model name of your scooter starts with the brand name Excel. The brand name Solax, followed by the
additional model description forms the model name of the scooter. You need the model name if you have any
technical questions or if you want to order any parts for the scooter, in this case the Solax Go! or Solax Deluxe.
6. Description
The intended use of your scooter is described here.
7. Warranty
Here, the warranty period of your scooter is reflected. Chapter 10 describes the warranty conditions in further