Gasket seating surfaces for tank nozzle flange must be clean, free of scratches,
corrosion, tool marks and flat. Use either a full faced or ring gasket for steel and
stainless steel raised face flanges.
FRP and Aluminum vents are furnished with flat faced flanges. It is recommended
that they be installed on mating flat face flanges with a full faced gasket. If the flat
face of the vent is sealing against a raised face steel flange, a spacer or filler ring
must be used to fill the annular space of the raised face steel flange.
Refer to Gasket Dimension Table.
Ensure that the gasket material is suitable for the service.
Make sure that the
gasket is compressed evenly and the flanges are not distorted. Utilizing proper
torquing techniques will ensure a tight seal and prevent leakage around the
gasket. See preceding page.
Incorrect positioning and/or selection of gasket(s) between the flanges
will cause bending stresses at the flange that may damage the flange joint
as bolting is tightened. This is more likely to occur with aluminum or cast iron
Correct Installation
Correct Installation
Incorrect Installation
Full Faced Gasket
Spacer and
Full Faced Gasket
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